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Topco Technologies (3388 ) DATE:2018/8/21.

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Presentation on theme: "Topco Technologies (3388 ) DATE:2018/8/21."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topco Technologies (3388 ) DATE:2018/8/21

2 OUTLINES Introducation future perspectives
Operation status & financial performace Industries analyais &applicatons of Silicone future perspectives

3 briefs company: Topco Technologies foundation: 1981 IPO date:
2006/2/22 Code: 3388 Capitals: 640 NT millions Chairman: Pan, Chen-Cheng CEO: Chang, Sheng-Ho Main business: Silicone and related materials No any relationship with Topco scientific Corp.(5434)

4 Locations

5 Products & industry characteristics Market overview
The chemical polymers is based on SiO2. Superior chemical characteristics:environmentally/cold and heat resistance/flame resistance/excellent chemical stability characteristics Global main makers:DowSil(the former was called Dow Corning)、Momentive、Shin-Etsu Chemical、Wacker and so on. Main makers in China :Blue star(Elkem group)、Wynca chemical、hui-tian new material、Dongyue etc Market overview

6 Main business Total solution: materials +Equipments
Focus on selling of Silicone and other key materials Total solution: materials +Equipments The main acting lines: 現有產品線--信越化學、Colcoat、Sika、Konishi、住友、不二化成、Ushio設備等

7 Characteristics of industry
Widespread for all industries low volitality, almost no affection by bussiness cycles Lots of clients Over 10 thousand clients & diversity Continuous new applicatoins Always developing new applicatoins

8 Sales region & appliction fields

9 Financial information of 2018 and 2017
NT(thousands) 2017 % 2016 Growth rate Sales 7,672,336 100.00% 7,223,702 6.21% Margin 1,372,415 17.89% 1,163,737 16.11% 17.93% Operating income 496,995 6.48% 380,592 5.27% 20.72% Income before tax 476,413 399,634 5.53% 19.21% Income after tax 350,138 4.56% 290,044 4.02% EPS (NT) 5.65 4.68

10 Financial information of 2018 and 2017 H1
NT(thousands) 2018H1 % 2017H1 Growth rate Sales 4,298,053 100% 3,631,179 18.36% Margin 858,130 19.96% 626,710 17.26% 36.93% Operating income 331,325 7.71% 235,920 6.50% 40.44% Income before tax 341,816 7.95% 209,822 5.78% 62.90% Income after tax 233,243 5.43% 150,515 4.15% 54.96% EPS (NT) 3.76 2.43

11 H1 Status and H2 Perspectives
H1 Profit growth rate YOY 54% due to: demand > supply Material prices are still continuously rising New developed clients and products create betters sales and profit H2 Perspectives: Material prices will still continuously rise but the the rising rate maybe slow.

12 Sales of the recent 6 quarters
NT thousands

13 EPS of the recent 6 quarters
2.00 1.76 1.42 1.80 1.21 1.22

14 Dividend policy EPS vs Cash dividend

15 Silicone applications
medical for Consumers

16 Silicone applications
Turbo hose

17 End-Products applications
Silicone and Life/ Silicone is everywhere. 【food】 PET package release agent/kitchen accessories 【housing】 insulating glass sealant with structural capabilities Green Building Adhesive 【clothing】 Trademark LOGO 【transportation】 Parts for Battery Electric Vehicle 【Entertainment】 Wearable device/water-proof for smart phone

18 Consumer’s electrical devices
Growth momentum Automotive Medicals Cosmetics Consumer’s electrical devices

19 Future perspectives Total solutions for clients services
Developing new markets Leader of special materials agent in Asia-Pacific Developing new applicatons and high value-added materials

20 Appendix

21 Milestone of Silicone industry
Dr. Frederick Stanley Kipping (Father of silicone, Grignard reaction) E.G. Rochow started industrial production (GE, direct process, 1940 ) 1953/3/31 First silicone production in Japan Shinetsu Chemical (Bought Patent from GE) Originally developed for military and aerospace From NASA HOMEPAGE B-29 bomber in Word War II 1969/7/20 That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind

22 How is silicone from? Electricity C SiO2 Metallic Silicon Silicone
SiO2 + C → Si + CO2 SiO2 + 2C → Si + 2CO SiO2 Metallic Silicon Methanol, HCl, Hydrolysis, Polymerization Silicone

23 Production methods of Silicone

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