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Community Path Project

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Presentation on theme: "Community Path Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Path Project
Marywell Community Path Project David Younie Birse & Ballogie Community Council

2 Marywell Community Path Project
The problem Planning and building the path Future proofing the path

3 The problem










13 Marywell Community Path Group
Ballogie Community Association Birse & Ballogie Community Council Ballogie Estate Gordon Dinnie, tenant farmer James Reid, contractor & local resident

14 Planning and building the path
Agreeing the route Compromise necessary


16 Planning and building the path
Agreeing the route Compromise necessary Community consultation Essential for funding applications Survey questionnaire 59% response, 100% support for the path Planning permission 50% reduction in planning fee if Community Council is applicant

17 Planning and building the path
Estimating costs Mix of quotations and estimates Local contractor also a Marywell resident Total costs Total cost estimate £25,569 (= £40 per metre length) Total cash items cost £19,227 (incl VAT and £1000 contingency) Agreeing a lease Essential for an Awards For All (Scotland) application

18 Planning and building the path
Sourcing the funds Ballogie Estate willing to offer in-kind support (path materials, shrub clearance) Planning gain funds Ballogie Community Association own funds Commercial donations via Birse & Ballogie Community Council Awards for All (Scotland) grant of £10000 Total funds confirmed: £24,712 incl. in-kind contributions Total cash funds confirmed (i.e. excl. in-kind contributions) £19,096


20 Got there eventually! Path constructed May/June 2015
Final cost: £16, (excluding plaque!) Formal opening ceremony March 2016













33 Future proofing the path
Make sure it is well designed and constructed


35 Future proofing the path
Make sure it is well designed and constructed Public liability insurance Included in Ballogie Community Association public liability insurance Maintaining the path Maintenance protocol essential for public liability insurance Community path maintenance group formed

36 Maintaining the path

37 Path Maintenance Schedule Annual Maintenance Tasks
Frequency Detail Responsibility 1. Path Survey and inspection 9 Inspect path to monitor implementation of routine maintenance schedule and identify any un-programmed work due to unforeseen circumstances e.g. weather impacts, vandalism etc BCA 2. Path edges 2 0.5m strip either side of path edge cut by strimmer/ scythe June and September 3. Path surface Once every 2 years Spray with approved herbicide to maintain 2m path width, between May and September (or when necessary) 4. Trees 1 Inspection of trees within falling distance of path by suitably qualified person for safety and take appropriate action where required. Once yearly but especially following high winds. BEE 5. Litter and dog fouling Monitoring undertaken as 1 above. Appropriate action where required. 6. Drains Inspection undertaken as 1 above. Clear and repair where required. 7. Boundary structures (fences/walls and gates) 8. Site signs and barriers Every 3 years Rolling programme of preventative maintenance. Replacement as and when required. 9. Pathside tree, bushes and shrubs Every 5 years Rolling programme of trimming and pruning overhanging branches to maintain 3m wide path corridor.


39 Weed control BCA has recently been awarded a grant of £1500 from ‘Paths for All (Scotland) for purchase of maintenance equipment Strimmer/brushcutter/shrubcutter Leaf blower Secateurs and pruning shears Knapsack sprayers Protective clothing

40 Thank you for your attention

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