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Board of Pesticides Control

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1 Board of Pesticides Control
Best Management Practices for Application of Turf Pesticides & Fertilizers and YardScaping Gary Fish Board of Pesticides Control

2 Why BMPs Inappropriate application practices discovered after heavy spring rains of 2005 Water sampling results from USGS and FOCB The Board continues to receive complaints about applications when weather forecasts are for heavy rains

3 USGS National Water Quality Assessment – 2006 Report
Insecticides occurred as frequently in urban streams as they did in agricultural streams Herbicides detected in 99% of Urban stream samples

4 USGS National Water Quality Assessment – 2006 Report
Phosphorous found in urban streams at similar levels as in agricultural streams 70% of those samples exceeded the EPA level for causing excessive algal growth

5 Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Pesticides are present throughout most of the year in streams draining watersheds with substantial urban areas, but are less common in ground water Concentrations of pesticides were greater than water-quality benchmarks for aquatic life and (or) fish-eating wildlife in more than half of the streams with substantial urban areas in their watersheds

6 Friends of Casco Bay Sampling
Pesticide residues detected in surface water in Maine Diazinon up to (2.6 ppb)** 2,4-D up to (36.4 ppb) Dicamba up to (4.1 ppb) MCPP up to (26 ppb) MCPA up to (0.45 ppb) Clopyralid up to (0.91 ppb) Propiconazole up to (0.075 ppb) Chlorothalonil up to (0.22 ppb) Found Excess Nitrogen & Phosphorous in most samples Pesticide residues detected in sediments Bifenthrin up to (37 ppb) Permethrin up to (47 ppb) **Values in red exceed Aquatic Life Criteria

7 BMP web page

8 The BMPs Site Assessment Informed Product Choice Operating Standards
Initial site visit Turf assessment prior to treatment Thorough periodic assessments Informed Product Choice Pesticides Fertilizers Operating Standards Prior to application Application Customer/Neighbor Relations Notification Customer education

9 Site Assessment Initial site visit Customer expectations Pest problems
Site plan and measure Soil characteristics Slope and runoff Soil test Sensitive areas Grass species Intensity of use Sun exposure Record assessment

10 Site Assessment Turf assessment prior to treatment Soil conditions
Compacted, eroded, frozen, shallow, saturated, exposed bedrock or ledge? Pest problems Turf health Watering Frequency Intensity

11 Site Assessment Thorough periodic assessment Annually
Reassess the initial site visit criteria Customer expectations and desire for service (This is now required) Review management records Every 3 – 5 years Soil test Consider monitoring ground water for nitrates at golf courses or sod farms or other intensively managed areas

12 Informed Product Choice
Pesticides Read labels & MSDSs Choose least toxic, least persistent, lowest exposure Use the WIN-PST criteria Check bee warnings Choose selective products Do spot treatments Choose low drift and low volatility products Weed & Feed


14 Select slow release fertilizers
GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Total Nitrogen (N)...… ….8.00%       1.0 % Water Soluble Nitrogen       7.5 % Water Insoluble Nitrogen Available Phosphate (P205) ….1.0 % Soluble Potash (K20) …1.0 % Derived from corn gluten, steamed bone meal & sulfate of potash NON PLANT FOOD INGREDIENTS Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus pumulis, Bacillus megaterium, Paenibacillus polymyxa, Paenibacillus durum 275,000 CFU per gram of finished product Look for Water Insoluble Nitrogen (WIN)

15 Informed Product Choice
Fertilizers Choose slow- or timed-release N (WIN – Water insoluble nitrogen) Apply at 1 pound/1000 square feet or less Avoid ammonium nitrate or sulfate and calcium nitrate Do not apply quick release N above ½ pound/1000 sq. ft. Use P-Free fertilizer unless soil test indicates need or when establishing seed

16 Operating Standards Prior to application Check site for people & pets
Sensitive individuals nearby Toys, sandboxes, pet dishes present? Open windows? 24-hour weather forecast Record current conditions Calibrate equipment frequently

17 Operating Standards Application
Base applications on soil characteristics Never apply when there is standing water Never apply to saturated soils Never apply to frozen ground Never apply when temperature exceeds 85°F Follow label temperature requirements

18 Operating Standards Application – continued
Never apply until soil warms to °F at 3” soil depth Never apply between December 1 and April 1 (unless fungicide for snow mold) Consider forecasted rains Avoid application when wind is below 3 mph or above 10 mph Do not apply pesticides if rain or irrigation is imminent, unless specified by label Do not apply if moderate or heavy rain is imminent regardless of label statements Never apply to impervious surfaces

19 Operating Standards Application – continued
Never apply near areas prone to runoff, i.e., culverts, drains, drainageways or wells Never apply to bare ground unless establishing seed Cover seed to prevent erosion Clean up spills immediately Never leave materials on impervious surfaces Lightly water-in fertilizers When the label directs, assure that pesticides are watered in as directed

20 Operating Standards Application – continued
Fill spreader on hard surface Use a drop spreader near sensitive areas Leave a 25-foot buffer of untreated vegetation near water bodies Manage pests with spot applications

21 Customer/Neighbor Relations
Notification Remind customer annually about right to request labels and SDSs When requested, always provide labels and/or SDSs When requested always notify customers and/or neighbors at least 24 hours prior to applications After application inform customers/neighbors about treatments Need for watering Re-entry period

22 Customer/Neighbor Relations
Customer Education Customers must know when their expectations are too high and should know the limitations like: Soil depth & texture Soil pH and nutrient imbalances Grass species limitations Proper mowing & watering Soil compaction & thatch depth Need for buffers around wells, water, etc. Low risk control options Slow-release & P-Free fertilizer options

23 25-foot buffer zone required next to waters and wetlands
Applies to all terrestrial “Broadcast” applications Except stinging insect and arthropod vector control, and Man-made Ag wetlands, e.g., Cranberry bog areas Variances may be granted if the Board approves and protections are reasonably equivalent

24 Regional Lawn Nutrient Recommendations–U-Conn/Cornell
Nitrogen Standards If the existing lawn is acceptable, no need for fertilizer Do not apply before spring green-up and no later than September 15th (NNE) or October 15th (SNE) Apply no more than 1/2 to 1/3 of a pound of nitrogen in any 1 application Slow release formulations are preferable When a soil test indicates adequate P or K, use N only On lawns that are 10 years or older apply a maximum of 2 lbs N/1000 per season Newer lawns may require 3 lbs N/1000 per season

25 Regional Lawn Nutrient Recommendations - continued
When seeding a new lawn amend the soil to get organic matter up to 3% to 5% Mow high (3 inches) and return clippings Choose tall or fine fescues because they require less nutrients and water – Avoid KBG Maintain soil pH levels between 5.5 and 6.5 Consider introduction of white clover or other low growing legumes to provide natural nitrogen Start testing soil for nitrates and base application rates on need (this is experimental right now) Avoid using combination fertilizer and pesticide products

26 Regional Lawn Nutrient Recommendations - continued
Phosphorus Standards If the existing lawn is acceptable, no need for fertilizer Soil test for P – do not guess Frank Rossi at Cornell says P is only needed on the poorest of soils Avoid P fertilizers on bare ground or low density lawns, unless seeding Use P-free next to water unless soil test shows very low phosphorus

27 Regional Lawn Nutrient Recommendations - continued
Avoid application of P prior to heavy or moderate rains Maintain pH between 5.5 and 6.5 Never apply to saturated or frozen ground Soil test annually for P if using organic fertilizer or composts Avoid combination fertilizer and pesticide products

28 YardScaping… for a healthy Maine
Gary Fish, Coordinator Maine YardScaping Partnership (207)

29 The Partnership is very diverse!

30 YardScaping A new paradigm?
Some call it “Sustainable Landscaping” or “Ecological Landscaping” We want to keep it simple

31 YardScaping Mission To inspire Maine people to
create and maintain healthy landscapes through ecologically based practices that minimize reliance on water, fertilizer and pesticides

32 The Ten-ets of YardScaping
Promote buffers Promote appropriate plants - native plants and non-invasive alien plants Reduce lawn area Reduce runoff Reduce reliance on pesticides, fertilizers and water Promote low input lawns and landscapes Promote YardScape diversity Create wildlife habitats Right plant, right place, right use Commonsense pest management (IPM)

33 Use site appropriate, non-invasive plants
Native plants are often well adapted Fewer problems, less work, more rewards, but not all are problem free, e.g., viburnums Invasive plants are easy to grow but crowd out native vegetation Our local forest habitats are changing rapidly Invasive plants can ruin wildlife habitat Beautiful Native Shadbush Problematic Native Viburnum Deadly Invasive Oriental Bittersweet

34 Right plant, right place, right purpose
Choose plants based on the area to be planted not just for their color Select plants that thrive under existing conditions rather than trying to alter the conditions to meet the needs of a plant Minimize disturbance of the existing landscape Wild Cranberry Bog

35 Right plant, right place
Beach plum – dry sunny site Partridgeberry – wet shady site Staghorn Sumac – large open dry bank

36 Use a diversity of plants & grasses
Monocultures lead to disasters Diversity leads to less noticeable damage from pests and disease Incorporate many layers of plant types Trees Shrubs Ground covers Perennials, and Lawns

37 Create wildlife habitats
Diversity and plant layers go hand in hand with habitat creation Add nectar and fruit producing plants Strive for continuous blooms Add water, walls, feeders, woody debris

38 One hour on riding mower = 400 miles
Reduce lawn area Mower exhaust = 11 small cars’ exhaust Reduces Water & air pollution Water usage Maintenance Costs Gives More free time One hour on riding mower = 400 miles

39 Use low input plant varieties
Fine fescue or tall fescue instead of Kentucky bluegrass and ryegrass Pagoda dogwood vs flowering cherry River birch vs paper birch Tall fescue Fine fescue

40 Protect lakes & streams with buffers
Preserve existing landscape Winding paths Don’t mow to lake’s edge Leave the duff

41 Reduce runoff Reduce amount of pervious (hard) surfaces
Create rain gardens or install rain barrels Direct water into vegetated areas Porous pavement

42 Reduce reliance on pesticides, fertilizers and water
Grow plants that are resistant to insects & diseases Use plants that tolerate low fertility Use drought resistant plants White Fir Sweet Fern

43 Use common sense pest management
Integrated pest management Know your pest Pick it, trap it or exclude it Know the good bugs Mow, prune or water Use pesticides as last resort

44 (BASIC STRATEGY - dense, tall turf tends to reduce weed invasion)
Weed Control Approach (BASIC STRATEGY - dense, tall turf tends to reduce weed invasion) Seed is the best weed control! Mow high, 3 inches MINIMUM Promote root growth – fertilize in early fall Reduce wear and compaction - encourage foot traffic away from turf; core aerify twice per year and overseed at same time Overseed or slit-seed open areas ASAP! Spot treatment with herbicides only when necessary.

45 Are there alternatives?
Corn gluten meal has demonstrated pre-emergent herbicide activity Rather expensive and a weak herbicide Most action - nutrient value from meal breakdown - added fertility thickens turf and reduces weed germination Weed flamers and spikes “Punto” Hot water foam and steamers Mostly used in cities where herbicides have been banned Punto


47 Choose the right grass varieties for Maine

48 Insect tolerance Some Some Excellent Good
Disease tolerance Some Some Good Good

49 Plant or over-seed with low maintenance grass types
YardScaping Mix 40% Endophyte Enhanced Creeping Red Fescue 10% Southport Chewings Fescue 30% Endophyte Enhanced Perennial Ryegrass 20% Kenblue KBG Fine Fescues % Creeping Red Hard Chewings Tall Fescue Common Kentucky Bluegrass Endophyte enhanced perennial rye or fescues Plant grass seed in late summer/early fall Avoid sod

50 Low Maintenance Lawn Benefits – 2000 CMHC study of 30 residences
Residents with low- maintenance lawns spent 50 per cent less time, 85 per cent less money, and used 50 per cent less fuel, 85 per cent less fertilizer, 100 per cent less water and 100 per cent less pesticides per year


52 Sustainable plant selection

53 Where to learn more

54 YardScaping booklet that you can download

55 Where to learn more

56 YardScaping… For a healthy Maine

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