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Chiral Nuclear Effective Field Theory

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1 Chiral Nuclear Effective Field Theory
U. van Kolck University of Arizona Supported in part by US DOE and Sloan Foundation Background by S. Hossenfelder

2 In Memoriam Vijay Pandharipande See talks by Carlson, Sick 1/1/2019
v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

3 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization
Outline Effective Field Theories Pionful (Nuclear) EFT Non-Perturbative Renormalization and Power Counting Role of the Delta Isobar Outlook See parallel session R2 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

4 Wanted f Dead sor s Alive
QCD EXPLANATION OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS Reward understanding of gross features: Why is ? How large are few-nucleon forces? Why is isospin a good symmetry? Beware coupling constants not small 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

5 Nuclear physics scales
“His scales are His pride”, Book of Job perturbative QCD ~1 GeV no small coupling need a more general way to treat multi-scale problems ~100 MeV ~30 MeV Effective Field Theory (EFT) (expansion in ) 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

6 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization
What is Effective? local underlying symmetries renormalization-group invariance 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

7 For Q ~ m, truncate consistently with RG invariance
normalization non-analytic, from loops “power counting” e.g. # loops L For Q ~ m, truncate consistently with RG invariance so as to allow systematic improvement (perturbation theory): 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

8 Nuclear physics scales
perturbative QCD ~1 GeV sum ? hadronic th with chiral symm this talk ~100 MeV sum ~30 MeV sum halo nuclei See talks by Hammer, Braaten 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

9 Nuclear EFT pionful EFT
degrees of freedom: nucleons, pions, deltas (+ roper?, …) symmetries: Lorentz, P, T, chiral expansion in: non-relativistic multipole pion loop calculated from QCD: lattice, … chiral symmetry fitted to data 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

10 Form of pion interactions determined by chiral symmetry
Form of pion interactions determined by chiral symmetry 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

11 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization
Role of the RG LO absorbed absorbed NLO Naturalness: absorbed in higher-order coefficients 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

12 A= 0, 1: chiral perturbation theory
Weinberg ’79 Gasser + Leutwyler ’84 Gasser, Sainio + Svarc ’87 Jenkins + Manohar ’91 A= 0, 1: chiral perturbation theory nucleon dense but short-ranged long-ranged but sparse # loops # vertices of type i 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

13 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization
1 2 1 2 LO But… other counterterms? RESUM absorbed Naturalness: absorbed in higher-order coefficients for 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

14 A > 2: resummed chiral perturbation theory
Weinberg ’90, ‘91 Ordonez + v.K. ’92 A > 2: resummed chiral perturbation theory infrared enhancement! = + + … = + A-nucleon irreducible A-nucleon reducible Schematically, bound state at 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

15 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization
Ordonez + v.K. ’92 v.K. ’94 = + + + … + + + … For parity violation + + + … See talk by Maekawa = + + … + + … + + … higher powers of etc. more nucleons 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

16 Issue: power counting (relative sizes)
Etc. 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

17 similar to phenomenological potential models: at N2LO,
Weinberg ’90, ’91, ‘92 Ordonez + v.K. ’92 v.K. ’94 Ordonez, Ray + v.K. ‘96 ... Naïve Dimensional Analysis (NDA) LO: S-wave contacts + OPE (non-perturbative pions) NLO: P-wave contacts + TPE + 3N forces via delta + (PUNT) subLOs also iterated in Lippman-Schwinger eq. similar to phenomenological potential models: at N2LO, 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

18 e.g., = + + + + + + … TM’ pot See talk by Robilotta
v.K. ’94 Friar, Hueber + v.K. ‘99 Coon + Han ’99 ... e.g., Fujita-Miyazawa pot = + + one unknown parameter two unknown parameters + + + + … Tucson-Melbourne pot with TM’ pot cf. Brazil pot See talk by Robilotta 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

19 models with s, w, … might be misleading…
Note: NOT your usual potential! Ordonez + v.K. ’92 (cf. Stony Brook TPE) e.g., + + + … Rentmeester et al. ’01, ‘03 chiral v.d. Waals force Nijmegen PSA of 1951 pp data Kaiser, Brockmann + Weise ’97 at least as good! parameters found consistent with pN data! models with s, w, … might be misleading… 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

20 Many successes of Weinberg’s counting, e.g.,
See talks by Machleidt, Meissner Many successes of Weinberg’s counting, e.g., At N3LO, fit to NN phase shifts comparable to those of “realistic” phenomenological potentials With N3LO NN and N2LO 3N potentials, good description of 3N observables and 4N binding energy levels of p-shell nuclei Entem + Machleidt ’03 Epelbaum, Gloeckle + Meissner ’04 Epelbaum et al. ’02 Gueorguiev, Navratil, Ormand + Vary ’05 Binding Energy (MeV) Exp: (3) Thy: * *Convergence study not completed 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization No-Core Shell Model

21 No! Is Weinberg’s power counting consistent?
BUT Is Weinberg’s power counting consistent? No! attractive in some channels singular potential not enough contact interactions for RG invariance even at LO! 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

22 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization
1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

23 Renormalization of the potential
OPE: s wave matching so that 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

24 approaches fixed point
Beane, Bedaque, Savage + v.K. ’02 integer determined by low-energy data exact solution, fit to scatt length analytical form, fit to scatt length neglecting term approaches fixed point 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

25 expand around the chiral limit (perturbative pions) or promote
including fitted to eff range Nijmegen PSA expand around the chiral limit (perturbative pions) or promote to leading order (due to infrared enhancement) First breach of W pc 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

26 exact vs perturbation th
Beane, Bedaque, Childress, Kryjevski, McGuire + v.K. ’02 determined by low-energy data 3rd 4 exact 1st 2nd exact vs perturbation th 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization limit-cycle-like behavior

27 analogous, but for coupled channels…
Frederico, Timoteo + Tomio ’99 Beane, Bedaque, Savage + v.K. ’02 Ruiz-Arriola + Valderrama ‘05 analogous, but for coupled channels… Nijmegen PSA in MeV EFT – Nijm PSA slope ~2 sufficient in leading order !? 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

28 Pion-mass dependence Triplet scattering length Deuteron binding energy
Lattice QCD: quenched Fukugita et al. ‘95 Deuteron binding energy EFT: (incomplete) NLO Beane, Bedaque, Savage + v.K. ’02 Beane + Savage ’03 Epelbaum, Gloeckle + Meissner ‘03 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

29 Problems! But what about higher partial waves?
Nogga, Timmermans + v.K. ’05 But what about higher partial waves? Attractive-tensor channels: Problems! cutoff dependence incorrect renormalization… 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

30 one undetermined phase in each channel
promote counterterms limit-cycle-like behavior cutoff independence e.g., LO EFT Nijmegen PSA 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

31 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization
LO EFT W pc Nijmegen PSA Promising… 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

32 triton short-range interactions stronger than in
Nogga, Timmermans + v.K. ’05 short-range interactions stronger than in Weinberg’s pc for attractive tensor channels where centrifugal barrier c.f. Birse ’05 + subLOs in perturbation theory Second breach of W pc on the other hand: triton correct renormalization… LO EFT indeed 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization … but leading-order value not so great because of kinetic-potential energy cancellation!?

33 No! Can one integrate out the delta with small error? + …
Pandharipande, Phillips + v.K. ’05 EFT folklore: in nuclei, can integrate out delta with small error + … But 30% error 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

34 relatively large error from the pN scattering fit leaks into 3N force
+ + … at threshold while relatively large error from the pN scattering fit leaks into 3N force extrapolation involved best strategy is not to integrate out delta (cf Ordonez, Ray + v.K. ’96 Gerstendoerfer, Kaiser + Weise ’98) 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

35 Conclusions and Outlook
EFT allows a systematic, model-independent, unified description of strong interactions at low energies Power counting complicated by nonperturbative nature of nuclei Weinberg’s power counting not entirely correct due to failure of NDA in attractive-tensor channels where pions have to be iterated New power counting has been formulated: more counterterms at each order relative to Weinberg’s; expect even better description of observables Consistency and convergence of new power counting yet to be checked: two-nucleon NLO calculation of systems other few-nucleon Finally a consistent and efficient power counting in the pionful EFT?! 1/1/2019 v. Kolck, Pion Renormalization

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