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International trade.

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1 International trade

ENGLISH FOR ECONOMICS IV Instructor : Dr. Tseliga Theodora Major : Tsavou Evaggelia S.R.N : 2536 Sinavelis Taxiarhis S.R.N : 2511 Siskas Konstantinos S.R.N : 2513

With the term international trade we mean the exchange of capital,good and services between countries.In most countries, international trade represents a significant share of GDP.

4 Crisis: in Greece & worldwide
The collapse of two Bear Stearns Hedge funds in 2007 reintroduces the world to an era of bank failures, a credit crunch, private defaults and massive layoffs. The Greek crisis caused by a combination of structural weaknesses of the Greek economy along with a decade long pre-existence of overly high structural deficits and debt-to-GDP levels on public accounts.

the increasing tendency of inequality within countries. the inequality in conditions of social protection, health,etc. ecological urgent issues degradation

6 INTERNATIONAL TRADE The severe contraction of world trade volume during the recent global crisis ,was a major blow to the global economy . In the aftermath of the crisis,many governments in developed and developing countries contemplated or were pushed into using trade policy instruments, especially in the form of non-tariff measures (NTMs), to protect their domestic industries and producers.

7 Importance of international trade for Greek economy
An export is the sale of a home-made good or service abroad. Despite the economic crisis in Greece, exports showed a significant increase.This increase is largely due to two factors : • Increase in the competitiveness of Greek products as a result of the reduction of prices and cost of production factors in Greece • Enhancement outward-orientation of Greek companies , through the exploration for new markets, given the recession in the domestic market An import is a purchase of a good or service made abroad. Imports remaining at almost the same levels as the previous year due to the restrictive economic policy implemented in 2012.

8 Main Export & Import partners
Turkey Russia Italy Germany Bulgaria Saudi Arabia Cyprus Netherlands USA China U.K France

9 Main export & Import products
Food and beverages Machinery Industrial products Fuel Petroleum products Food products Chemical products Vehicles for transportation

10 trade Positive effects : Expansion of consumers' potential
Comparative advantage Mutual benefits Increase of effectiveness Economy’s growth Negative effects : Raise of unemployment Inequality Poverty

11 Thank you for your attention !!!

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