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Confirmation Lesson 4 Apostle’s Creed: Third Article.

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2 Confirmation Lesson 4 Apostle’s Creed: Third Article

3 Opening Prayer Devotions Go over Homework #3 & #4

4 Second Article: Son/Redeemer
Jesus =Savior Christ =Messiah =“The Anointed One” SECOND ARTICLE: SON/REDEMPTION Jesus = "Savior" Christ = Messiah = Anointed One

5 Second Article: Son/Redeemer
What are the two natures of Jesus? True God and True Man JESUS IS TRUE GOD & TRUE MAN Called God, divine attributes, names, works, glory I Tim 2: For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all men-- the testimony given in its proper time. (NIV) Col 2:9 For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form Called man, human characteristics Matt 4:2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. John 19:28 Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty.“ Luke 24:39 Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.“

6 Second Article: Son/Redeemer
How did Jesus rescue you from sin? By His death on the cross He paid for my sin JESUS IS TRUE GOD & TRUE MAN Called God, divine attributes, names, works, glory I Tim 2: For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all men-- the testimony given in its proper time. (NIV) Col 2:9 For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form Called man, human characteristics Matt 4:2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. John 19:28 Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty.“ Luke 24:39 Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.“

7 His death paid for my sins I, too, will rise
What does the resurrection of Jesus prove for us? (4) Jesus is the Son of God His teachings are true His death paid for my sins I, too, will rise

8 What are the two states in which Jesus existed to earn our salvation?
Humiliation and Exaltation

9 What is the humiliation of Christ?
As a man He did not always and fully use His power as God.

10 What are the six steps of the humiliation of Christ?
Conceived Born Suffered Crucified Dead Buried

11 Define the Exaltation of Christ
As a man, Jesus now always and fully use His power as God.

12 What are the five steps of the exaltation of Christ
judge sits at right hand ascend rose descended

13 For whom did Jesus die? Everyone

14 The Apostle’s Creed

15 atone make payment for sin communion fellowship, sharing, participation, union congregation Group of believers in a particular place

16 denomination Group of congregations that believe the same enlighten make something known hypocrite someone who pretends to believe but does not

17 justified declared "not guilty" reincarnation belief that we are reborn in new bodies saints believers in Christ

18 sanctification make holy synod walking together

19 Father Holy Spirit Son Creator Sanctifier Redeemer FATHER CREATOR

20 Third Article: Holy Spirit
What does it mean that “the Holy Spirit called me by the Gospel”? (188) Through the Good News of Jesus the Spirit invites and enables me to believe. SECOND ARTICLE: SON/REDEMPTION Jesus = "Savior" Christ = Messiah = Anointed One

21 Third Article: Holy Spirit
After you believe in Jesus, what does the Spirit lead you to do? (190) Good Works SECOND ARTICLE: SON/REDEMPTION Jesus = "Savior" Christ = Messiah = Anointed One

22 Third Article: Holy Spirit
Define a good work in God's Sight (4). (191) done from faith in keeping with 10 Commandments for glory of God benefit of neighbor SECOND ARTICLE: SON/REDEMPTION Jesus = "Savior" Christ = Messiah = Anointed One

23 Third Article: Holy Spirit
Who is the Holy Spirit?(193) Third person of the Trinity SECOND ARTICLE: SON/REDEMPTION Jesus = "Savior" Christ = Messiah = Anointed One

24 Third Article: Holy Spirit
Whom does the Holy Spirit want to save? (196) everyone Why are some people not saved? (197) They resist and reject the work of the Spirit. SECOND ARTICLE: SON/REDEMPTION Jesus = "Savior" Christ = Messiah = Anointed One

25 Third Article: Holy Spirit
What is the Holy Christian Church or the Communion of Saints? (202) all true believers in Jesus Christ SECOND ARTICLE: SON/REDEMPTION Jesus = "Savior" Christ = Messiah = Anointed One

26 Visible Denomination Congregation Building worship service
List six ways the word "church" is used (175) Invisible Visible Denomination Congregation Building worship service SECOND ARTICLE: SON/REDEMPTION Jesus = "Savior" Christ = Messiah = Anointed One

27 Third Article: Holy Spirit
What is your denomination? Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod What is your congregation? Grace Lutheran Church SECOND ARTICLE: SON/REDEMPTION Jesus = "Savior" Christ = Messiah = Anointed One

28 Third Article: Holy Spirit
Why must we firmly believe in Justification by Grace through Faith? (4 reasons) (210) Chief Doctrine of Christianity distinguishes from false religions gives comfort to believers gives glory to God SECOND ARTICLE: SON/REDEMPTION Jesus = "Savior" Christ = Messiah = Anointed One

29 Third Article: Holy Spirit
How can you be sure you have eternal life? (208/209) Because I believe in Jesus SECOND ARTICLE: SON/REDEMPTION Jesus = "Savior" Christ = Messiah = Anointed One


31 Assignment Memory Work: The Apostle’s Creed

32 Assignment Read Questions 186-229 in Catechism
Family Devotion on the 3rd Article. Ask 5 of your friends the name of their congregation & Denomination

33 Test 1 Next Week!


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