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Southerly Point Co-operative Multi-Academy Trust

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Presentation on theme: "Southerly Point Co-operative Multi-Academy Trust"— Presentation transcript:

1 Southerly Point Co-operative Multi-Academy Trust
Governance and Accountability Structure

2 Chair of Board & CEO – point of accountability to RSC
MEMBERS TRUST BOARD Chair of Board & CEO – point of accountability to RSC CEO – held to account by the Board Hub Leader – held to account by CEO AUDIT RESOURCES 1 representative from each Hub Council STANDARDS & SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT 1 representative from each Hub Council PUPIL BEHAVIOUR AND WELFARE, SAFEGUARDING AND ETHOS 1 representative from each Hub Council HUB COUNCIL 2 Representatives from each school Forum Forum – at individual schools ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING FOR ALL CONSTITUENCY GROUPS ( Alumni, Community, Parents, Pupils, Staff )

3 Hub Councils: 2 per school + Hub Leader
Members - to scrutinise the work of the MAT Trustees – Set vision and objectives and ensure these are achieved; ensure financial and legal probity including approval of annual budgets; fulfil statutory duties and ensure Trust wide monitoring systems are effective and robust, holding CEO to account; determine the Scheme of Delegation to manage the activities of the Trust; general control and management of the administration of the Trust; appointment of Executive Team Termly meetings Trustee Committees: Termly meetings to provide scrutiny and challenge Resources Standards & School Improvement Behaviour; Well-being; Safeguarding; Ethos Trustees are Chair and Vice Chair on each committee 1 representative from each Hub Council sit on each committee - flag issues to Local Forum for school focus visits/ report back Hub Councils: 2 per school + Hub Leader Hub committees for pupil disciplinary, admissions, staffing issues, recruitment, pay reviews Meet termly to review Hub Schools against Ofsted headings Serve on Trust committees as above Local Forums: Forum is made up of constituencies : parents, staff, students, community, alumni . 2 representatives are elected to serve on the Hub Council Forum undertakes Learning walks/stakeholder voice on key aspects to provide ‘other’ voice for Headteacher; can be initiated by Hub Council, the head or the Forum Termly meeting: Headteacher presentation ‘What’s happening? How well are we doing?’ ; feedback from learning walks etc; open forum for concerns, views to be heard. These inform Hub Council representatives for Hub work Focus for community events

4 Appraisal of Hub Leaders
LINES OF ACCOUNTABILITY CEO Appraisal of Hub Leaders HUB LEADER Half termly (flexes < > dependent on risk) Monitoring & Support visit – scrutiny of SEF/SIP; impact led; flag emerging issues; triangulation of ‘Teaching and Learning’; safeguarding; checking policy implementation Appraisal of Headteachers FINANCE TEAM SITE TEAMS

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