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Irish dances are divided into solo dances (called step dances), figured dancing / ceili (called figure / ceili dances), and sets dances (called set dances).

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Presentation on theme: "Irish dances are divided into solo dances (called step dances), figured dancing / ceili (called figure / ceili dances), and sets dances (called set dances)."— Presentation transcript:


2 Irish dances are divided into solo dances (called step dances), figured dancing / ceili (called figure / ceili dances), and sets dances (called set dances).

3 Irish dancing is not easy - it requires strength and sense of rhythm as any dance, but it is fun! If you want to try something new, and yet you want to move, look in your local area dance school that offers learning Irish dances. Such classes for amateurs need not be a hundred percent compatible with all the requirements of the Irish Dance Commission, but rather is a general mix of Irish dances similar in terms of steps and technique. In a nutshell, the Irish dances are three basic types of measures: three, seven and a more complex jig. During the dance keep the arms along the body. In the beginning, keep your feet turned out, and your front foot arched. This basic step is the basis for various more or less complicated choreography.

4 Three are used to dance in place, move forward and backward. They consist of three steps: a step forward right foot, transferring weight to the rear left leg, again transfer the weight to the front right leg and jump on the front right. By analogy we do the same step with the second leg. The feet should land at about the same place. Your knees should be lifted up - this theme gives the dance its Irish character.

5 Sevens are used to move sideways. Moving to the right start with your right leg, which should be in the front, and left leg behind. You have to lift your right leg toward the left knee and jump to the left leg. The next step is to jump on the right foot - the foot must be put in the front and right side. Then, crossing left foot behind right foot jump to the left foot. Next, jump on the right foot kept in the front and so on up to seven. In the same way, keep dancing putting your left and right foot in the front.


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