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Success in the making! Example of a daily ppt:

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Presentation on theme: "Success in the making! Example of a daily ppt:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Success in the making! Example of a daily ppt:
I put my ppts on my website every afternoon for your child to review the days materials with and a way for you to know what we did. The following is what we did today… Success in the making!

2 Bell Ringer: Identify the parts of speech on your piece of paper you used yesterday for bell work. The barn caught on fire after the fireworks show. 2. An owl screeched and swooped into my hair! 3. Hernando middle school is one fabulous place! Turn to your shoulder partner and explain the difference between a run on and fragment sentences…

3 SSR!

4 Agenda Write the following homework in your agenda (8/19/14):
SS “Lost and Found” worksheet (both sides) My Papa, Mark Twain…how are you coming on this? Study Geography vocabulary and your continents and oceans!

5 Can you name the vocabulary term??
Geography Terms Can you name the vocabulary term?? Directions: read the definition and guess the word. Push enter to see if you are correct!

6 Small models of our planet
globe Small models of our planet

7 geography The study of the earth

8 cartographer A person who makes maps

9 equator 0 degree dividing line that separates the northern and southern hemisphere

10 Main directions: north, south, east, and west
Cardinal Directions Main directions: north, south, east, and west

11 The region around the South Pole
Antarctic Circle The region around the South Pole

12 North-south lines on a globe or map
longitude North-south lines on a globe or map

13 Where map information and explanations are given
Map key Where map information and explanations are given

14 Another name for a line of longitude on a map and globe
meridian Another name for a line of longitude on a map and globe

15 Prime Meridian A vertical line that marks the zero degree longitude measurement on Earth

16 Icons or pictures that represent something on a map
symbol Icons or pictures that represent something on a map

17 A decorative symbol to show the directions on a map
Compass rose A decorative symbol to show the directions on a map

18 East-west lines on a globe or map
latitude East-west lines on a globe or map

19 scale Mathematical statement that shows the distances on a map or globe and the corresponding distance on the real world.

20 What are the awesome facts that your found to answer the questions from each subheading?

21 Research about a country to find its 5 themes of Geography!
You will use your research to create a travel brochure! Make sure you have enough information!

22 What if Zombies attacked?

23 Wish list… gently used bean bags!

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