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Free Press welcomes you…

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1 Free Press welcomes you…

Report prepared by Profacts for Free Press 23/01/2017

3 Background Free Press wanted to do a segmentation of their readers who are responsible for purchases in their household. Instead of the many already existing demographic segmentations, Free Press chose to do a psychographic segmentation instead. PSYCHOGRAPHICS: THE COMBINATION OF PERSONALITY, VALUES, OPINIONS, ATTITUDES, INTERESTS AND LIFESTYLES This psychographic segmentation allows Free Press to identify its readers based on who they are, how they think and what they are interested in. This information can be of use for advertisers.

4 Methodology & Sample Methodology: Online survey
Invitation via links in free press (Proximag, Metro, Rondom, 7 Dimanche, Vlan, De Zondag, De Streekkrant, Steps) Average length: 18’ Sample: Free press readers, responsible for purchases N=1591 Field period: 15 July – 18 September 2016

5 Free press offers access to 5 distinct segments of the buying population

6 Each of these 5 segments is highly engaged

7 This report shows who these segments are and what preferences they have

A latent class analysis resulted in a strong 5 cluster segmentation: MAX CHARLY EMMA NICK JULIE Base: Total sample (N=1591)

9 A latent class analysis resulted in a strong 5 cluster segmentation:
RATIONAL PLANNERS “I like to plan to avoid unpleasant surprises.” CHARLY PERSONALITY & VALUES Rational Punctual (usually on time) Taking safe decisions Preference for daily routine Making plans for the near future Success and ambition not main goal Not the earliest product adoption

10 A latent class analysis resulted in a strong 5 cluster segmentation:
CREATIVE EXPLORERS “I do things my own way and find creative solutions.” JULIE PERSONALITY & VALUES Sociable Empathic Always going for the new experience Need for variation and challenges Taking risky decisions Going against the flow Succes and ambition very important Creative Fast product adoption

11 A latent class analysis resulted in a strong 5 cluster segmentation:
HAPPY HEDONISTS “I live life from day to day and enjoy it as it comes.” NICK PERSONALITY & VALUES Not punctual (frequently late) Not always efficient Less empathic Not worrying Preference for instant enjoyment Always keeping own goals in mind Late product adoption

12 A latent class analysis resulted in a strong 5 cluster segmentation:
QUIET FOLLOWERS “I don’t want to fail, because I want others to like me.” EMMA PERSONALITY & VALUES Emotional Frequently worrying Preference for being in the background Preference for what is already known Making plans for the near future Taking safe, mainstream decisions Preference for daily routine Caring about own social status Success and ambition not main goal Late product adoption

13 A latent class analysis resulted in a strong 5 cluster segmentation:
RATIONAL EXPLORERS “Inform me and I will choose my path.” MAX PERSONALITY & VALUES Rational Sociable Empathic Always going for the new experience Good with stress and pressure Efficient Not caring about opinions about me Always keeping own goals in mind Succes and ambition very important Fast product adoption

14 Although a lot more variables were used for the segmentation, the different segments can be summarized with these 5 statements: Safe decisions Risky decisions Prefer what I know Always new experience Emotional Rational Not punctual Always punctual Practical approach Creative approach 50/50 RATIONAL PLANNERS CREATIVE EXPLORERS HAPPY HEDONISTS QUIET FOLLOWERS RATIONAL EXPLORERS Base: Total sample (N=1591)

15 Sociodemo profile of the psychographic segments:

16 Distinctive interests of the 5 different segments:
Music and instruments Film, DVD and video Technology Photography Books, magazines, comics,… Board games, games, toys, … House and garden Health and personal care Fashion and clothing Jewelry and watches Sports Cars and motors Art and antique Traveling Gastronomy Alcoholic drinks RATIONAL PLANNERS Lower interest compared to others Average interest compared to others Higher interest compared to others Top interest compared to others = relative differences compared to other segments Base: Total sample (N=1591)

17 Distinctive interests of the 5 different segments:
Music and instruments Film, DVD and video Technology Photography Books, magazines, comics,… Board games, games, toys, … House and garden Health and personal care Fashion and clothing Jewelry and watches Sports Cars and motors Art and antique Traveling Gastronomy Alcoholic drinks RATIONAL PLANNERS CREATIVE EXPLORERS Lower interest compared to others Average interest compared to others Higher interest compared to others Top interest compared to others = relative differences compared to other segments Base: Total sample (N=1591)

18 Distinctive interests of the 5 different segments:
Music and instruments Film, DVD and video Technology Photography Books, magazines, comics,… Board games, games, toys, … House and garden Health and personal care Fashion and clothing Jewelry and watches Sports Cars and motors Art and antique Traveling Gastronomy Alcoholic drinks RATIONAL PLANNERS CREATIVE EXPLORERS HAPPY HEDONISTS Lower interest compared to others Average interest compared to others Higher interest compared to others Top interest compared to others = relative differences compared to other segments Base: Total sample (N=1591)

19 Distinctive interests of the 5 different segments:
Music and instruments Film, DVD and video Technology Photography Books, magazines, comics,… Board games, games, toys, … House and garden Health and personal care Fashion and clothing Jewelry and watches Sports Cars and motors Art and antique Traveling Gastronomy Alcoholic drinks RATIONAL PLANNERS CREATIVE EXPLORERS HAPPY HEDONISTS QUIET FOLLOWERS Lower interest compared to others Average interest compared to others Higher interest compared to others Top interest compared to others = relative differences compared to other segments Base: Total sample (N=1591)

20 Distinctive interests of the 5 different segments:
Music and instruments Film, DVD and video Technology Photography Books, magazines, comics,… Board games, games, toys, … House and garden Health and personal care Fashion and clothing Jewelry and watches Sports Cars and motors Art and antique Traveling Gastronomy Alcoholic drinks RATIONAL PLANNERS CREATIVE EXPLORERS HAPPY HEDONISTS QUIET FOLLOWERS RATIONAL EXPLORERS Lower interest compared to others Average interest compared to others Higher interest compared to others Top interest compared to others = relative differences compared to other segments Base: Total sample (N=1591)


22 RATIONAL PLANNERS Summary: discounts and promotions CHARLY DISCOUNTS?
“I like to plan to avoid unpleasant surprises.” CHARLY DISCOUNTS? Yes WHY? Save on expenses WHERE? Most of all in stores WHICH? 1+1 free

23 CREATIVE EXPLORERS Summary: discounts and promotions JULIE DISCOUNTS?
“I do things my own way and find creative solutions.” JULIE DISCOUNTS? Yes Save on expenses Spend money on something else (*) Try out new products/services (*) WHY? WHERE? Most of all in stores Apps/websites (*) WHICH? 1+1 free * more compared to other segments

24 HAPPY HEDONISTS Summary: discounts and promotions NICK DISCOUNTS? Yes
“I live life from day to day and enjoy it as it comes.” NICK DISCOUNTS? Yes WHY? Save on expenses WHERE? Most of all in stores WHICH? 1+1 free

25 QUIET FOLLOWERS Summary: discounts and promotions EMMA DISCOUNTS? Yes
“I don’t want to fail, because I want others to like me.” EMMA DISCOUNTS? Yes WHY? Save on expenses WHERE? Most of all in stores WHICH? x€ discount

26 RATIONAL EXPLORERS Summary: discounts and promotions MAX DISCOUNTS?
“Inform me and I will choose my path.” MAX DISCOUNTS? Yes (+ more effort compared to other segments) Save on expenses Spend money on something else (*) Try out new products/services (*) WHY? WHERE? Most of all in stores Apps/websites (*) Free press (*) WHICH? 1+1 free Other products for free (*) Contests (*) * more compared to other segments

27 Creative and rational explorers more often try out new products because of discounts.
“Which of the following statements about discounts and promotions fits best with you?” “Discounts are the new ‘cool’. Discounts, promotions and coupons are not pejorative anymore. Everyone uses them.” (preliminary qualitative research) I actively look for discounts and promotions on a frequent basis 77% I don’t look up discounts and promotions 23% I sometimes try out a new product because of discounts or promotions 73% I only use discounts and promotions for products I know/use 27% I get a good feeling when using a discount or promotion 96% I feel rather indifferent when using a discount or promotion 4% RATIONAL PLANNERS CREATIVE EXPLORERS HAPPY HEDONISTS QUIET FOLLOWERS RATIONAL EXPLORERS Base: Total sample (N=1591)

28 People most often look for promotions in stores
People most often look for promotions in stores. Rational explorers use other methods slightly more compared to other segments. “In free press, the selection of promotions and discounts is already made and can easily be found (compared to the jungle of the internet).” (preliminary qualitative research) “The consumer becomes smarter. He is an expert in tracing commercial actions.” (preliminary qualitative research) Base: Total sample (N=1591)

29 More frequently among rational planners and rational explorers
Rational planners and quiet followers base their shopping list on their remaining stock. Creative and rational explorers more often get inspiration from internet. Creative explorers also more often look at recipes. “Do you frequently make a shopping list before you do your weekly purchases?” More frequently among rational planners and rational explorers Base: Total sample (N=1591)

30 “What do you base your shopping list on?”
Rational planners and quiet followers base their shopping list on their remaining stock. Creative and rational explorers more often get inspiration from internet. Creative explorers also more often look at recipes. “What do you base your shopping list on?” More among … More among … More among … Base: People making a shopping list before doing weekly purchases (N=1207)

31 More frequently among …
They often bring home items that were not on their shopping list. Creative explorers do this even more frequently. “How often do you bring home things that are not on your shopping list?” More frequently among … Base: People making a shopping list before doing weekly purchases (N=1207)


33 “How often do you use each of the following media and info channels?”
High frequency of using free press in combination with a large variety of other media / information channels, both online and offline. “Online and offline are one world / one universe. The difference between the two worlds is fading out.” (preliminary qualitative research) “How often do you use each of the following media and info channels?” everyone reads free press online or offline (survey among readers) Base: Total sample (N=1591)

34 Ranked by % looking for info
Of all tested media, free press generates the highest call to action. “In the last 3 months, did you … because of an ad or promotion that you saw in each of the following media?” [% yes] LOOK FOR INFO GO TO THE SHOP BUY A PRODUCT Ranked by % looking for info Base: Total sample (N=1591)

35 “Which media and information channels do you use …” [% yes]
THE USAGE REASONS WHERE FREE PRESS IS NUMBER ONE: Free press is especially consulted to receive local news, to get to know shops/companies or new products and as preparation for a shopping trip. “Which media and information channels do you use …” [% yes] TO GET TO KNOW NEW PRODUCTS TO GET TO KNOW SHOPS/COMPANIES AS PREPARATION FOR A SHOPPING TRIP TO RECEIVE LOCAL NEWS 1 Free press (43%) 2 TV (38%) 3 Social media (28%) 1 Free press (51%) 2 Social media (30%) 3 TV (24%) 1 Free press (30%) 2 Social media (15%) 3 TV (10%) 1 Free press (60%) 2 Social media (32%) 3 Radio (21%) Base: Total sample (N=1591)

36 “Which media and information channels do you use …” [% yes]
Free press is also frequently used to keep up-to-date about new trends and about the news and for inspiration. “Which media and information channels do you use …” [% yes] TO RELAX TO KEEP UP-TO-DATE ABOUT NEW TRENDS TO KEEP UP-TO-DATE ABOUT THE NEWS FOR INSPIRATION (TO SHOP, COOK, …) 1 TV (64%) 2 Radio (49%) 3 Social media (37%) 1 TV (50%) 2 Free press (40%) 3 Social media (39%) 1 TV (76%) 2 Radio (61%) 3 Free press (43%) 1 TV (41%) 2 Free press (34%) 3 Paying magazines (24%) Base: Total sample (N=1591)

37 “Which media and information channels do you use …” [% yes]
Free press offers publicities and promotions in a non-commercial environment. “Which media and information channels do you use …” [% yes] TO RECEIVE LOCAL NEWS 1 Free press (60%) 2 Social media (32%) 3 Radio (21%) “The content is very important: the consumer finds all information about activities in and organized by the city, but also emergency numbers, testimonials of local companies … The free press is not only commercial. It brings a dimension of proximity.” (preliminary qualitative research) TO GET TO KNOW SHOPS/COMPANIES 1 Free press (51%) 2 Social media (30%) 3 TV (24%) Base: Total sample (N=1591)

38 The reader engagement of free press is comparable to the engagement level of readers of paying newspapers. Paying newspapers: Nieuwsblad, Het Laatste Nieuws, Le Soir, Het Belang Van Limburg, Gazet Van Antwerpen, De Standaard, De Morgen, L’Avenir, DH, La Meuse, La Libre, La Nouvelle Gazette, La Province, De Gentenaar, Nord Eclair, La Capitale, Nieuwe Gazet “To what extent do you agree with following statements about [NAME MEDIA]” Base: Total sample (N=1591) Source benchmark readers paying newspapers: Profacts omnibus July 2016

39 The reader engagement of free press is comparable to the engagement level of readers of paying newspapers. FREE PRESS PAYING NEWSPAPERS 67 65 62 64 63 ENGAGEMENT SCORE THINK FEEL Paying newspapers: Nieuwsblad, Het Laatste Nieuws, Le Soir, Het Belang Van Limburg, Gazet Van Antwerpen, De Standaard, De Morgen, L’Avenir, DH, La Meuse, La Libre, La Nouvelle Gazette, La Province, De Gentenaar, Nord Eclair, La Capitale, Nieuwe Gazet DO “To what extent do you agree with following statements about [NAME MEDIA]” Base: Total sample (N=1591) Source benchmark readers paying newspapers: Profacts omnibus July 2016

All psychographic segments are engaged. Creative and rational explorers show the highest engagement. FREE PRESS ENGAGEMENT SCORE RATIONAL PLANNERS 64 Each of the 5 segments is highly engaged by free press. CREATIVE EXPLORERS 69 HAPPY HEDONISTS 64 QUIET FOLLOWERS 60 RATIONAL EXPLORERS 76 “To what extent do you agree with following statements about [NAME MEDIA]” Base: Total sample (N=1591)

41 One last amusing fact about
free press readers: They are so engaged, 1 in 10 has even stolen a copy from a neighbour…

42 Questions?

43 Free Press thanks you…

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