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Building calculations

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1 Building calculations
Ole Christiansen Det Tekniske Fakultet

2 Program: Introdution to the course
Static documentation acording to SBI 223 The load bearing system Static analasys of Spar Nord Groups Projekt – Next time Det Tekniske Fakultet

3 Exspectations ? Det Tekniske Fakultet

4 Course contents: SBI 223, lecture 1 Vertical load, lecture 1
Horizontal load (stability of the structure), lecture 2 og 3 Wall panel design, lecture 4 Horizontal panel as a beam, lecture 5 Robustness, lecture 6 Connections between concrete element, lecture 7 Exam, repetition, lecture 12   Det Tekniske Fakultet

5 What is a panel? Plate, forcs vertical too the surface
Panel, forces in its own plane Exampel of a statically determinated wall structure Det Tekniske Fakultet

6 Stability– distribution of horizontal loads
Det Tekniske Fakultet

7 Classic panel structure.
Det Tekniske Fakultet

8 Purpose with the course
Static calsulations of the structure acording to SBI 223 Det Tekniske Fakultet

9 Literature [1] Bygningsberegninger efter EC af Bjarne Chr. Jensen og Svend Ole Hansen (Danish students) [2] Building calculations, Bjarne Chr. Jensen og Svend Ole Hansen (Exchange students) [3] Betonkonstruktioner efter DS/EN af Bjarne Chr. Jensen (Danish students) EC 0,1 og 2 (Exchange students and Danish students) Det Tekniske Fakultet

10 Exam Individuel oral exam(15-20 min)
The Exam is based on your project and the content of the course: Vertical load (the load bearing system) Statically determinated panels Statically indeterminated panels Design of a wall panel Design of a floor panel as a beam Connections between precasted concrete elements Comfort - Viabrations Det Tekniske Fakultet

11 Statisk dokumentation – BR10 og SBI223
A. Static documentation A1. Project basis A2. Statically analysis A3. Structural drawings and models A4. Structural alteration B. Projektdokumentation B1. Statisk projekteringsrapport B2. Statisk kontrolrapport B3. Statisk tilsynsrapport Det Tekniske Fakultet

12 Could be a supplier What you have to do!
(you are the consultant engineer) Could be a supplier Det Tekniske Fakultet

13 Building Calculations
A typical procedure for static calculations of a structure: Definition of the static system in the building Loads are defined Design the load bearing system Design the stability of the structure Robustness. Comfort Det Tekniske Fakultet

14 Static model Example: Frame structure Method – Elastic or plastic.
Det Tekniske Fakultet

15 Static models for traditionel panel structures
Panels (Skivebyggeri) Beams and colums (Søjlebjælkebyggeri) Plates and colums (Søjlepladebyggeri) Det Tekniske Fakultet

16 Define the loads Seismic load –seismisk last
Imperfektion load Reduction factor - etagereduktionsfaktor Robustness- robusthed combination of loads - lastkombinationer Class of consequence – konsekvens klasse Dead load - egenvægt Live load - nyttelast Wind load -vindlast Snow load - Snelas Accident actions- Ulykkeslast Det Tekniske Fakultet

17 The load bearing system
How is the load transferred from the roof to the foundation? How is the load transferred from the decks to the foundation? Is it beams that caries the decks? How are the beams surported? What’s the load? Det Tekniske Fakultet

18 Eksempel Define/chose the load bearing system in the building
Det Tekniske Fakultet

19 Vertical load - Lodret lastnedføring
Define the loads Design the deck’s (often done by catalog) Design the load bearing walls. (alternatively, Beams and columns) Define the load on the roof and then go downwards Dimension, make a guess - (tykkelse skønnes) The wall is checked without reinforcement. If the wall cant hold then include reinforcement. Det Tekniske Fakultet

20 Design of load bearing wall
Suggested eccentricity for concrete structures (not included in the EC but good practice) The eccentricity from deck’s, plate’s and beam’s is acting in the centroid of a triangle (the reacktion I assumed to be a distributed load with form as a triangle). Eccentricity (e1 and e2) The wall above has a eccentricity (e3) and is 0,05t with a minimum of 10mm (e4) is due to fabrications deviation. e= l/400 Eccentricity from the horizontal load, this could be internal and external wind load (e5)=Mv/N Half of the wall’s dead weight is included in N Other rules for masonry and lightweight concrete. Note: montage tolerance Det Tekniske Fakultet

21 Design of load bearing wall
The resulting eccentricity in the top of the wall and in the middle: Det Tekniske Fakultet

22 Design of load bearing wall
External wind pressure on a outer wall and the internal wind pressure is always included according to EC1 1-4 kap. 7. 2 scenarios when determining the internal wind pressure: A dominating opening No dominating opening In many cases it is enough to set the wind factor to 0,2 and -0,3. For internal walls the factor is set to 4. Wind pressure: Det Tekniske Fakultet

23 No reinforcement, eccentric loaded wall’s
Formel 6.6 Formel for in-situ : Det Tekniske Fakultet

24 Facade wall’s b) (Sandwich elements). The outer plate is not at load bearing wall an only transfers the wind load to the load bearing wall. It is allowed to included the eccentricity fro the outer plate but in many cases it is neglected. a) Traditionel wall in Denmark no eccentricity included from outer wall. Det Tekniske Fakultet

25 Window's and door’s in wall’s
Remember : holes might increase the load between windows and doors: Consider: how much vertical load is there between the windows and how much wind is acting on the wall between the windows? Det Tekniske Fakultet

26 In most cases: Internal walls: it is often enough to study the wall at the lowest level. Some times it is also necessary to study the top floors for internal wind, we might need to anchor the wall to the roof and/or the deck. Outer walls: Have to make sure that the deadweight of the top floor and roof is enough so that the wall won't be suged out. It might be necessary to add some reinforcement between the top wall and the deck. Continue with the study on the next floor until it is okay. See example in chapter 6, not included in [2]. Det Tekniske Fakultet

27 Sound and fire Sound and fire can have an influence on the thickness of the wall. Example: demand for sound (luftslydisolation) between apartments is 55 dB. To secure that this is not exceeded you need a wall with a thickness of t=180mm for concrete or t=240mm for lightweiht concrete. (1850kg/m3) Det Tekniske Fakultet

28 Reflection? Follow the structure in SBI-223 (It is mentioned in the Danish building regulations – Bygningsrelement) I have uploaded an example. The load bearing system is designed from the top and downwards. Determinate the worst combination of the normal force and eccentricity when designing a wall for vertical load. Det Tekniske Fakultet

29 Projektet Groups: 4-5 in each group Det Tekniske Fakultet

30 Static analsys – Spar Nord
Define the load bearing system in Spar Nord Start from the top of the building and go downwards Chose the span/direction of the roof and where are they supported Chose the directions of the concrete floors (prefabricated elements - hollow deck) Where do we have beams, columns and load bearing walls? Stability- make a guess – drawings, use a marker Which walls is a part of the stability? Bring your suggestion too class next week. Det Tekniske Fakultet

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