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Career and Technical and Agricultural Education. CTAE or CTE

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1 Career and Technical and Agricultural Education. CTAE or CTE
Career exploration Career and Technical and Agricultural Education. CTAE or CTE

2 What is Career exploration?
Career Exploration is the process of... learning about yourself and the world of work, identifying and exploring potentially satisfying occupations, and developing an effective strategy to realize your goals

3 Steps to Career Exploration
STEP 1 Investigate Get to know yourself - Begin to identify your values, interests, skills, personal traits and career satisfiers in order to identify the ingredients of a good career “fit”: In this step you will take different assessments.

4 Steps to Career Exploration
Step 2- Exploration Explore and research career possibilities - Learn the connections between courses, concentrations, and careers, and discover the benefits of experiential learning. This is the step where you will research and match different Careers to your personality, skills and wants.

5 Steps to Career Exploration
Step 3 Preparation Prepare a plan to pursue your career choice. Through informational interviewing, internships, and relevant part-time and summer jobs, “test the waters” and determine a potential career direction: This is when you figure out your road map to get to the career of your choice. College, Trade school, apprenticeship etc.

6 We will use GCIS in my class Go to www.
Set up an account Do NOT FORGET your log in and password. Go to assessments. We will complete all the assessments this is part of the first step. Create a folder in your files named my life.

7 Other career assessments
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Career Assessment Inventory (CAI) Career Decision-Making Revised (CDM-R) Career Occupational Preference System (COPS) Career Occupational Preference System (COPS) Form P CareerScope Differential Aptitude Test (DAT) IDEAS Kuder Career Search (KCS) Kuder Career Search (KCS) career clusters O*NET Interest Profiler (IP) PLAN Self-Directed Search (SDS) Strong Interest Inventory (SII)

8 Steps of career exploration
Assess yourself Interest Skills and abilities Explore career options Pursue the education/training needed for the career you picked. Find a job Manage your career

9 Todays activity Login alpharettahs
Password:gcis2513 Click on the right tab create my portfolio. Use an that you use for college and work






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