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Thesis Statements.

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1 Thesis Statements

2 The Basics Your thesis is the main idea of your paper.
It’s only 1 sentence. It is the argument, angle, or perspective you will need to support/prove with facts throughout your paper. Is ALWAYS the last or next to last sentence in the first paragraph of your paper. Your reader should know exactly what your paper is about by reading ONLY your thesis. It is NOT an indisputable fact (the earth is round) OR a personal opinion (country music is crap).

3 Brainstorming Your Thesis
While Researching look for the following: Interesting contrasts/comparisons or patterns in information. Something that surprises you about your topic. Anything that makes you wonder why? Something you immediate agree or disagree with.

4 Example Topic: Television Violence and Children Initial Question: What are the effects of television violence on children? Revision After Research: Violence on television increases aggressive behavior in preschool children. ***Remember, this is a working thesis. You may revise it!

5 Keep in Mind It should use clear, strong language.
The reader should know what your entire paper is about just by reading your thesis. Use specific language: NOT “some people say,” “most people think,” “experts believe,” “usually,” “sometimes,” or “at least.” It will NEVER be a question and ALWAYS a complete sentence. It will mention the problem and your position.

6 What does a thesis do? For the writer: Serves as a planning tool
Helps the writer determine the paper’s focus Becomes a reference point for all topic sentences Anticipates questions about the topic For the reader: Serves as a map to follow through the paper Keeps the reader focused Engages the reader Offers enough detail to grasp the readers attention

7 Examples Alexander Hamilton was a great leader because he assured the financial security of the United States. George Washington was called the Father of our country because without him, the colonists would have lost. The Revolution and the new republic would have torn itself apart with political rivalries. Mark Twain’s childhood experiences on the Mississippi River inspired him to write Huckleberry Finn. In fighting for the New Deal, Roosevelt showed the same characteristic he showed in fighting his disability: determination.

8 Helpful Tips Write your thesis statement

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