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LAMAS Working Group 7-8 December 2015

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1 LAMAS Working Group 7-8 December 2015
Agenda Item 5 Conclusions

2 IESS Framework regulation
LAMAS was informed about latest developments on the IESS FR in DSS/ESSC Derogations: For 3 years from 2019 Presented in the June LAMAS meeting Discussed in 2016 in a DSS meeting Breaks in series: to be carefully managed

3 LFS implementing measure
Support the creation of 3 TFs cochaired by Eurostat +1 MS Responsibility of each TF clarified Flexibility in terms of participation Communication plan between LAMAS/TFs to be developed Input harmonisation: wait for results of TF1; avoid several breaks in series if possible Common elements (definitions of hh and usual residence population) to be first discussed by sectoral WGs Each country to indicate TF participation by 18 December (1st and 2nd priority)

4 Feasibility studies End of January 2016: Eurostat will produce a revised version of the document including LAMAS comments Feasibility studies to be implemented under Article 13 of IESS FR: 15 January 2016: Eurostat will produce a more detailed proposal End of January 2016: Feedback from MSs to have an input for the February 2016 DSS meeting

5 TF on absences and working time
LAMAS endorsed the final report of the TF with the 7 proposed variables About paid/unpaid overtime, NA team will be consulted at Eurostat to see if the split is needed at EU level TF2 on LFS implementing act will be in charge of further developments on this topic (for second job, etc.) Model questionnaire won't be in the legal basis but NSIs are encouraged to use it to avoid comparability issues

6 Variance estimation LAMAS agreement for the simple analytical method for point estimates LAMAS agreement for the proposed approach for variance estimates of annual net changes NSIs should indicate by end March 2016 (extended to June 2016) whether they or Estat will produce variance estimates of annual net changes An open text box will be added in annual quality report to explain the national approach for variance estimation

7 Revised report of TF on MUR
LAMAS endorsed the revised report of the TF on MUR Training with the Netherlands in December 2016 LAMAS consulted by the end of this month on a possible re-labelling of the rolling LFS / 3 Month Moving Averages series as an alternative for forecasting  First results to be presented at the June 2016 LAMAS meeting

8 Standardised variables
All WGs are now invited to comment on the set of 15 P1 variables (written consultation) by 15 December 2015 Comments will be taken into account to fine tune the variable descriptions (including for labour variables) In the frame of the written consultation, ideas from NSIs to go further towards harmonisation are welcome Final version after DSS discussion/agreement Publication of variable descriptions outside the legal basis. Only variable list and codes, as a short description, will be included in the common legal act

9 Future system of regular modules
Module 'Accident at work' Can be repeated without changes Evaluation report 2013 AHM put online tomorrow TF2 on LFS implementing act First priority: modules on migrants and on transition to retirement; in-depth discussion; new proposal with model questionnaire for LAMAS June 2016, to be tested from September 2016 Second step: other modules especially on young people; discussion in the 2nd half of 2016 Third step: free topics Questions for 2016 AHM to be sent to Estat

10 Household subsampling
Drop ISCO variable Reason variables Included in the list of variables proposed for the LFS implementing act DG EMPL: analysis of these variables (usefulness) Decision by mid-2017 Proxy interviews to be tackled in one TF on LFS implementing act (TF3)

11 AHM 2019-21: draft delegated act
LAMAS approved the draft delegated act (with the proposed changes) Estat will proceed with the legal procedure To be finalised end 2016

12 AHM 2014 evaluation Estat target to publish tables before 22 December
Preferably by 18 December if possible Preferably with the evaluation report Changes to be integrated in the report

13 Task Force Quality TF report endorsed by LAMAS
This was the last report of this TF No further report Another set of improvements with the upcoming IESS framework regulation

14 AOB Workshop on Labour Force Survey Methodology
Update on ILO WG and new ICLS resolution LFS ad-hoc requests and confidentiality NUTS 2013 implementation Anonymised microdata END vacancy post

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