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Tier 1 Preventative Supports

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1 Tier 1 Preventative Supports
Wyoming Department of Education

2 What do kids need? Safety-feeling free from threats
Limits-knowing what is and isn’t acceptable Clarity-understanding what is expected of them Caring-knowing that others want them at school and want them to succeed. This is the root of it all!!! Kids find comfort in limits.

3 School Wide Preventative Programs
Rules: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible Rules are explicitly taught to all staff and students at the beginning of each year Rules are taught in each context (eg. playground, hallway, classroom, bathroom, cafeteria) Rules should be posted throughout the school Our goal should be to always try to prevent problem behaviors and create a positive school climate. Explicitly taught means modeled and practiced. Show example of behavior matrix and posters. Create a common language for all staff and students. “Which need is served with rules?”

4 Behavior Matrix Keep this super simple (three items or less) and positively stated. One way to get staff input is to have a leadership team (steering committee) fill this in.

5 Rules Poster The posters allow adults to direct the students to the rules without engaging in a power struggle. The rules are also obvious to the students constantly.

6 Rules Lesson Example The rules should be taught to all students at the beginning of each year and refreshed after Christmas break.

7 School Wide Preventative Programs
School Wide Token Economy Ticket System “Gotcha’s” Menu of items to earn is created by students and staff Items should be activities and quality time with others instead of tangibles. (eg. lunch with a favorite teacher, ice cream party with resource officer) Including staff in the menu building increases buy in to the system. Determine which behaviors justify receiving a Gotcha. “How should we handle staff who do not want to reward kids for doing what they are supposed to do?” Provide examples of menus and Gotcha tickets. “What need is met with a token economy?” How do we use a token economy in a secondary school?

8 Gotcha Menu

9 School Wide Preventative Programs
Active supervision during unstructured times Move and scan Move in unpredictable patterns Identify areas that are difficult to monitor Positive interactions with students Provide notice statements Show the playground supervision handbook. Discuss how this is relevant to secondary schools.

10 Classroom Preventative Supports
This tool was designed to assist classroom teachers in assessing their own classroom management. It can be used to problem solve persistent classroom based behaviors and as a tool to make sure that all appropriate supports are in place at Tier 1 before beginning a Tier 2 intervention.

11 Classroom Management in Action from





16 Collecting Data on Tier 1 Supports
Types of Data Office Discipline Data Classroom Observation Data School Climate Surveys for school climate surveys.

17 ODR Data

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