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Week 11 Vocabulary Dialect.

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1 Week 11 Vocabulary Dialect

2 1.Accent A style of pronunciation typical of people from a certain region or country Erin’s accent shows that she grew up in Ireland. An emphasis on a particular syllable in a word When you say the word tidy, you put an accent on the first syllable.

3 2.Articulate Skilled in expressing oneself clearly and effectively
The student won the election because she was very articulate. To express clearly in words All of the presidential candidates must be able to articulate their ideas to the public.

4 3. Dialect A unique form of language, spoken by people from a country, region, or social group. In the American South, the word “y’all” is part of the dialect.

5 4. Diction Clearness of speech or pronunciation
An actor must have excellent diction in order for the audience to understand him.

6 5. Enunciate To pronounce, especially in a clear manner
The teacher enunciated the directions carefully so that the students at the back of the class could hear her.

7 6. Hierarchy A group organized according to rank or status
In the army hierarchy, a colonel ranks below a general.

8 7. Intelligible Able to be understood
The two-year-old’s speech was only intelligible to his parents.

9 8. Peer A person who is equal to another in social standing or age
Teenagers tend to talk in the same way as their peers.

10 9. Stratify To separate into different layers or levels
The football team was stratified into the “A” squad, who were usually the game starters, and the “B” squad.

11 10. Stress Emphasis in speaking or music To emphasize
The stress in the word “impossible” is placed on the second syllable To emphasize They stressed the importance of a healthy diet. Tension or strain Tests are a source of stress for some students.

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