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Chemistry Is so fun.

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1 Chemistry Is so fun

2 C3.3 Properties and changes
Physical property: A description of a substance that does not involve forming a new substance; for example, color, texture, density, smell, solubility, taste, melting point, and physical state Chemical Property A description of what a substance does as it changes into one or more new substances. Examples include Flammable: Gasoline burns easily if ignited Corrosive: Discarded batteries in landfill sites break down readily when they come in contact with groundwater.

3 C3.3 Physical & chemical changes
Physical change: A change that does not produce a new substance. Many can be reversed, others can not. Melting, evaporation, condensation, sublimation, dissolving Chemical change: The change that a substance goes through to produce a new substance (or more than one new substance) is called a chemical change. Many cannot be reversed, but some can.

4 C3.3 & 2.5 Clues of chemical changes
A new color appears A change in odour The production of light Heat or light is produced or absorbed A change in temperature Bubbles of gas are formed A solid material (a precipitate) forms in a liquid The change is (generally) difficult to reverse.

5 C3.3 & 2.5 Clues of chemical changes
Physical and Chemical Change Assignment Physical Changes Find, bring in, and show the class an example of a physical change Explain why it is a physical change (using notes from handout) Chemical Changes Find, bring in, and show the class a SAFE/COMMON example of a chemical change (use a video if necessary) Explain why it is a chemical change (using notes from handout). What evidence do you have? Must hand in a one page document describing both examples. Include a justification as to why they are physical/chemical changes using section 5.1 as a guide.

6 C1.1 Hazardous Products and workplace safety
Guest Speaker Assignment

7 Guest speaker C1.1: Analyze, on the basis of research, various safety and environmental issues associated with chemical reactions and their reactants and or products (WHMIS, safety as a firefighter, combustion) C1.2: How an understanding of properties of chemical substances and their reactions can be applied to solve environmental challenges (neutralizing acid spills; cleaning up chemicals)

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