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Our Vision / A look forward

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1 Our Vision / A look forward
Mr Mark Webb Chair North East Lincolnshire CCG

2 NEL CCG strategy Comprehensive Integrated Higher quality Affordable
Community based care Self care & independent living Local services Centralised Home care Comprehensive Integrated Higher quality Affordable

3 Underpinning Principles
Quality and Safety – both proactive and reactive Promoting physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of individuals Prevention and self care / independent living rather than a reliance on state services Care delivered in the right place, at the right time, Improving outcomes – purchasing from those providers with the specialist skills Breaking down organisational barriers to reduce fragmented care

4 What are we already doing
Programme of service redesign including Long Term Conditions Enhanced community support for COPD Community cardiology pilot Prevention initiatives Diabetes Working with third sector partners Social prescribing Care home support teams

5 What will influence the future
1. Sustainability and Transformational Plan (STP) Addressing quality, service and financial gaps Supporting new models of care Collaborative approach across Humber, Coast & Vale (HCV) Focus on 5 priorities: Prevention, acute & specialised care, out of hospital care, mental health, strategic commissioning

6 - Collaborative approach across ‘Greater Lincolnshire’
2. Devolution - Collaborative approach across ‘Greater Lincolnshire’ Ambition for improvement across many areas Specific strategic influences for CCG: - ambition to integrate health & social care - opportunity to improve the wider determinants of health & wellbeing - ensuring alignment between HCV STP and Lincolnshire STP

7 3. Accountable care system
NE Lincolnshire focus (similar arrangements emerging in other areas) Integrating physical, mental & social care Enabling different service design, with a focus on maximising self care and independence Long term solution, not ‘quick fix’, with long term contracts and funding agreements Partnership board already in place to oversee Accountable Care partnership development

8 Mental health Public and preventative health Social Care Primary care Community Care Third sector and community Other e.g. housing services “An Accountable Care System is a group of organisations who collectively agree to take accountability for all care and care outcomes for a given population, under a single long term contractual arrangement with a commissioner.” Number references relate to Case Studies

9 4. Market Management and provider sustainability
Challenges in both Adult Social Care and NHS sectors from financial climate Some key risks in quality and standards of care within some current services, and in meeting future requirements Wide workforce recruitment issues, many reflecting national shortages Some physical capacity constraints, but opportunities in Primary Care Centres

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