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* II. Describing Motion Motion Speed & Velocity Acceleration

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1 * II. Describing Motion Motion Speed & Velocity Acceleration
07/16/96 Motion & Forces II. Describing Motion Motion Speed & Velocity Acceleration *

2 Newton’s First Law Newton’s First Law of Motion
* 07/16/96 Newton’s First Law Newton’s First Law of Motion An object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will continue moving at a constant velocity unless acted upon by a net force. motion constant velocity net force *

3 A. Motion Problem: Is your desk moving? We need a reference point...
* 07/16/96 A. Motion Problem: Is your desk moving? We need a reference point... nonmoving point from which motion is measured *

4 A. Motion Motion Change in position in relation to a reference point.

5 * 07/16/96 A. Motion Problem: You are a passenger in a car stopped at a stop sign. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice a tree on the side of the road begin to move forward. You have mistakenly set yourself as the reference point. *

6 v d t B. Speed & Velocity Speed rate of motion
distance traveled per unit time

7 B. Speed & Velocity Instantaneous Speed speed at a given instant
* 07/16/96 B. Speed & Velocity Instantaneous Speed speed at a given instant Average Speed *

8 B. Speed & Velocity Problem:
* 07/16/96 B. Speed & Velocity Problem: A storm is 10 km away and is moving at a speed of 60 km/h. Should you be worried? It depends on the storm’s direction! *

9 B. Speed & Velocity Velocity speed in a given direction
* 07/16/96 B. Speed & Velocity Velocity speed in a given direction can change even when the speed is constant! *

10 B. Resultant Velocity combining velocities together
* 07/16/96 B. Resultant Velocity combining velocities together if 2 velocities are in the same direction, add them together if 2 velocities are in opposite directions, subtract the smaller velocity from the larger velocity, and use the direction of the larger velocity *

11 t a C. Acceleration Acceleration the rate of change of velocity
vf - vi t Acceleration the rate of change of velocity change in speed or direction a: acceleration vf: final velocity vi: initial velocity t: time

12 C. Acceleration Positive acceleration “speeding up”
* 07/16/96 C. Acceleration Positive acceleration “speeding up” Negative acceleration “slowing down” *

13 C. Centripetal Acceleration
* 07/16/96 C. Centripetal Acceleration objects traveling in a circular motion are always changing direction since the direction is always changing, so is the velocity If the velocity is always changing, the object is accelerating *

14 t d v D. Calculations d = 100 m v = d ÷ t t = 20 s
Your neighbor skates at a speed of 4 m/s. You can skate 100 m in 20 s. Who skates faster? GIVEN: d = 100 m t = 20 s v = ? WORK: v = d ÷ t v = (100 m) ÷ (20 s) v = 5 m/s You skate faster! v d t

15 t a D. Calculations vf = 32 m/s a = (vf - vi) ÷ t
A roller coaster starts down a hill at 10 m/s. Three seconds later, its speed is 32 m/s. What is the roller coaster’s acceleration? GIVEN: vi = 10 m/s vf = 32 m/s t = 3 s a = ? WORK: a = (vf - vi) ÷ t a = (32m/s - 10m/s) ÷ (3s) a = 22 m/s ÷ 3 s a = 7.3 m/s2 a vf - vi t

16 t d v D. Calculations v = 330 m/s t = d ÷ v d = 1km = 1000m
Sound travels 330 m/s. If a lightning bolt strikes the ground 1 km away from you, how long will it take for you to hear it? GIVEN: v = 330 m/s d = 1km = 1000m t = ? WORK: t = d ÷ v t = (1000 m) ÷ (330 m/s) t = 3.03 s v d t

17 t a D. Calculations a = -3 m/s2 t = ? t = (vf - vi) ÷ a vf = 0 m/s
How long will it take a car traveling 30 m/s to come to a stop if its acceleration is m/s2? GIVEN: vi = 30 m/s vf = 0 m/s a = -3 m/s2 t = ? WORK: t = (vf - vi) ÷ a t = (0m/s-30m/s)÷(-3m/s2) t = -30 m/s ÷ -3m/s2 t = 10 s a vf - vi t

18 E. Graphing Motion slope = speed steeper slope = straight line =
* 07/16/96 E. Graphing Motion Distance-Time Graph A B slope = steeper slope = straight line = flat line = speed faster speed constant speed no motion *

19 E. Graphing Motion Who started out faster? A (steeper slope)
Distance-Time Graph A B Who started out faster? A (steeper slope) Who had a constant speed? A Describe B from min. B stopped moving Find their average speeds. A = (2400m) ÷ (30min) A = 80 m/min B = (1200m) ÷ (30min) B = 40 m/min

20 * 07/16/96 E. Graphing Motion Distance-Time Graph Acceleration is indicated by a curve on a Distance-Time graph. Changing slope = changing velocity *

21 E. Graphing Motion acceleration slope = +ve = speeds up
* 07/16/96 E. Graphing Motion Speed-Time Graph slope = straight line = flat line = acceleration +ve = speeds up -ve = slows down constant accel. no accel. (constant velocity) *

22 E. Graphing Motion Specify the time period when the object was...
* 07/16/96 E. Graphing Motion Speed-Time Graph Specify the time period when the object was... slowing down 5 to 10 seconds speeding up 0 to 3 seconds moving at a constant speed 3 to 5 seconds not moving 0 & 10 seconds *

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