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Agree or disagree? “Some of you may have tried to convey your idea and it wasn’t adopted, while some other mediocre or average idea was. The only difference.

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Presentation on theme: "Agree or disagree? “Some of you may have tried to convey your idea and it wasn’t adopted, while some other mediocre or average idea was. The only difference."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The secret structure of great talks by Nancy Duarte” – CEO presentation designer

2 Agree or disagree? “Some of you may have tried to convey your idea and it wasn’t adopted, while some other mediocre or average idea was. The only difference between those two is in the way it was communicated” (0’:50”-1’:02”) Click here

3 Before you watch What do you think will be the big secret on Nancy’s list to have a successful talk?

4 What is the big secret behind powerful presentations?
While you watch – Skimming (2’22”- 5’15”) What is the big secret behind powerful presentations?

5 “What is the most powerful device known to men?”
While you watch – Scanning 1 (2’22”- 5’15”) “What is the most powerful device known to men?” “How does an idea become effective?” “According to Nancy, what is the best way to convey an idea, in order to make it memorable? Why?” “What is the presentation form, according to the presenter?” “What is the role of the presenter?” “What is the basic structure of a story?”

6 “What were the two great talks Nancy chose to overlay and compare?”
While you watch – Video extension (5’50”- 8’45”) “What were the two great talks Nancy chose to overlay and compare?” “Finally, what is the shape of a great presentation?” “Why do you have to move from ‘what is’ to ‘what could be’ throughout your presentation?” Extra question: “What physics phenomena has she compared this shape to? Why?”

7 Follow up Let’s go over what has been discussed, and make a list (bullet points) with the structure of great talks

8 Since you are having a business presentation soon…
How meaningful was this lesson for you? Do you agree with Nancy’s findings? Are you going to use Nancy’s tips when making your own presentations? “The secret structure of great talks by Nancy Duarte” – CEO presentation designer

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