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Protestant Reformation Part II

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1 Protestant Reformation Part II
1/1/2019 Ch. 16

2 The Church Fractures Numerous Protestant (any Christian denomination not Catholic) emerged from Luther’s actions Notable developments: Calvinism (John Calvin) Extreme conservatism Removal of decoration, music, and fun Predestination Anabaptist Radicalism No infant baptism Pacifism and communal

3 Religious War The German states erupted in a short but bloody religious war called the Peasants’ Revolt in 1524 Catholics vs. Protestants 100,000 dead Used as an excuse to break from serfdom The conflict expanded to include rebellious German princes vs. Holy Roman Emperor Charles V Settled by the Peace of Augsburg 1555 If your ruler was religion A, so were you

4 The Catholic Reformation
The drastic actions of the Protestants inspired the Catholic Church to undergo its own reformation Established a new religious order, the Jesuits Reformed the papacy Council of Trent Reaffirmed Catholic beliefs: Faith and good works required for salvation Clerical celibacy Necessity of sacraments Leadership of the Pope

5 England Becomes Protestant
Henry VIII wanted a divorce from his wife Catherine of Aragon Wanted a male heir Catherine birthed a daughter, Mary (Bloody) Had a side-chick—Anne Boleyn Created a new Church of England to get his divorce Had both Catherine and Anne Boleyn killed Anne had birthed another daughter, Elizabeth Sired a son with another woman but the boy died young

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