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Today’s Warm Up How do you think the Catholic Church responded to the Protestant Reformation? Think beyond punishing Martin Luther… Turn in your homework!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Warm Up How do you think the Catholic Church responded to the Protestant Reformation? Think beyond punishing Martin Luther… Turn in your homework!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Warm Up How do you think the Catholic Church responded to the Protestant Reformation? Think beyond punishing Martin Luther… Turn in your homework!!!

2 The Catholic Reformation
Happy Friday  Turn in your homework and set up today’s notes. PREDICT: How do you think the church responded to Protestantism? (Think beyond punishing Martin Luther) The Catholic Reformation Today’s LEQ: How did Martin Luther challenge the Catholic Church? How has the Christian faith changed over time?

3 What Was It? Response to the Protestant Reformation (Counter-Reformation) Initially led by Pope Paul III but lasted into the 17th century

4 Goals Catholics at all levels recognized need for reform; wanted to address problems of corruption, poor behavior, etc. STOP PROTESTANTISM!

5 Strategy #1: the Inquisition
Church court initially established to enforce uniformity of religion; later used to counter Protestantism Featured intensive, prolonged interrogation and sometimes torture and execution. Different versions… Medieval Spanish  (YIKES) Roman






11 Read Chapter 1, Section 4 As you read, continue your notes on the strategies used by the Catholic Church to restore their reputation and combat Protestantism. You’ll be using your notes for a culminating assignment…

12 Broadside Competition
You will be creating a broadside summarizing the Catholic Reformation. Be sure to address the following topics: Causes Goals Tactics Impact (Religious, Social, Political, etc.) Impact back then Predict future impact Be detailed & creative!  You will be reading your broadside to the class 

13 Migration & Diffusion Complete the activity on page 63 in your textbook. Be ready to share your responses to #1 & #2! Stand Up, Pair Up: Why was the printing press such a revolutionary technology? What are some similarities and differences between the printing revolution and the Internet revolution?

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