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Financial Aid Night Presented by PacFAA Tonight is sponsored by:

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Presentation on theme: "Financial Aid Night Presented by PacFAA Tonight is sponsored by:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial Aid Night Presented by PacFAA Tonight is sponsored by:
Pacific Financial Aid Association Hawaii Community Foundation GEAR UP Hawai’i Bank of Hawai’i Foundation Presented by PacFAA

2 What is Financial Aid? Funds to help students & families pay for educational expenses. Financial aid funds consist of: Grants Employment Scholarships Loans

3 Award Types – Free Money
Grants – Free Money that you don’t have to pay back. Pell Grant– Based on financial need from FAFSA. Same at every school. SEOG Grant– Eligible for students with the highest need. Amount varies. Work Study– Student employment paid by federal funds. Answer ‘yes’ on FAFSA and check with Financial Aid Office for procedures. $6095 Max $4000 Max Work up to 20 Hours a week Flexible work schedules Paid just like a regular employee Money can be used at your discretion

4 State Programs Hawaii B+ scholarship (UH schools only)
3.00 HS GPA, HS transcripts needed Public HS with rigorous curriculum Financial Need Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) Program Reduced tuition rate Check for participating colleges Application process varies by college

5 State Programs Hawai‘i Promise Scholarship (UH Community Colleges only) “Last Dollar” award No application, but must complete FAFSA Remaining Direct Cost need after all other grants/scholarships (regardless of order received) Minimum half-time enrollment Must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements

6 Loans– Money to pay back
Federal Direct Loans – 4.45% Subsidized-Need based, no interest while in school Unsubsidized-Non-need based, continuous interest accrual Amount based on grade level classification (credit amount) Interest determined every new school year Begin repayment 6 months after graduation or withdrawal $ $12500 PLUS loans (Parent Loans) – 7% Remaining COA Accrues Interest Loans that parents borrower for dependent students Credit check needed for eligibility

7 Scholarship Searches

8 How do I create an FSA ID? 8

9 Getting Started Go to
Click the “Create an FSA ID Now” button 9

10 Create Your FSA ID (Username and password)
You can select “Show Text” to see what you’re typing Optional but strongly recommended Each FSA ID must have a unique address (you and your parent cannot use the same address) You must have access to this account Username: Don’t include personal info such as date of birth or name If you see a message “Username taken, create a different username” then someone has already used that username 10

11 Provide Personal Information
Make sure your Social Security number, date of birth, and name match what’s on your Social Security card You must have a Social Security number to create an FSA ID. On the next screen, you’ll be asked to provide your personal information. Make sure your Social Security number, date of birth, and name match what’s on your Social Security card. 11

12 Link Your PIN (if you have one)
If you applied for federal student aid before May 2015, then you most likely had a 4-digit PIN—the FSA ID replaces the PIN; you can link your PIN to your FSA ID on this screen If you can’t remember your PIN, you can select “Forgot My PIN” and answer a challenge question or you can continue without linking your PIN If you didn’t have a PIN, then you won’t see this screen Note to presenter: If a student doesn’t have a PIN or doesn’t link his or her PIN to the FSA ID, the student can still create his or her FSA ID. The student will be able to use his or her FSA ID to sign and submit a new (original) FAFSA right away. The student will need to wait 1-3 days for the Social Security Administration to confirm his or her information before the student can take certain other actions, such as submitting a renewal FAFSA 12

13 Provide Profile Information
Confirm information you entered previously and provide additional information Make sure your information is correct; any errors could result in a delay or problem in your receiving financial aid (or the repayment of your federal student loans) 13

14 Select/Create Challenge Questions and Answers
Answering your challenge questions is one way to unlock your account or reset your username and password Questions 1 and 2: Select a question from the dropdown menu and then enter your answer Questions 3 and 4: Make up your own question and enter your answer Make sure the answers will be easy to remember Examples of questions: What’s your favorite color? What’s your favorite food? Question 5: Enter a significant date It can’t be your date of birth Examples of dates: Favorite holiday Sibling or parent date of birth You can select “Show Text” to see what you’re typing Note to presenter: Challenge Question 5 (significant date) is only used by a student to access his or her loan history through automated phone systems, such as the Federal Student Aid Information Center. 14

15 Review Info and Agree to Terms
Review and confirm your information If you need to make a correction, use the “Previous” button Review and agree to the terms and conditions for using your FSA ID 15

16 Verify Your E-mail E-mail Verification Page
If you provided an address, then you will be taken to the Verification page Once you verify your , you can use your address as your username when logging in to Department of Education websites You can also continue without verifying How to Verify Your Do not close the Verification page We’ll send you an with a secure code Log in to your account using a different tab or browser window or another device Look for an with the subject line, “Important: Your FSA ID Validation - Action Required” The will include a six-digit, numeric code that you will enter in the “Secure Code” data field Verification Page With Your Secure Code 16

17 Your FSA ID is created! Your FSA ID was created
If you provided an address, then you will receive a confirmation Using Your FSA ID You can log in to and complete, sign, and submit a new (original) FAFSA If you didn’t provide or link to a PIN, then your info will be sent to the Social Security Administration for confirmation SSA review will take 1-3 days Until your info is verified, you won’t be able to take certain actions, such as correct your FAFSA, submit a renewal FAFSA, or sign a Master Promissory Note. 17


19 Login (continued) “Login” page.

20 Login with FSA ID “Login” page with Enter your FSA ID option selected. Note: It is beneficial for the student/parent to include an address on his/her FSA ID account to allow the U.S. Department of Education to communicate directly with the FSA ID owner about the status of his/her account. The address is entered when the student/parent applies for his/her FSA ID. Reminder: While the address for FSA ID is optional, if the user does want to include an address, it can be used only once with an FSA ID. If users share an address, only one user may link the address to an FSA ID.

21 Login with Student Information
“Login” page with Enter the student’s information option selected.

22 Login with Student Data Entered
“Login” page with the applicant’s data entered.


24 My FAFSA 2017-18 “Get Started” page.
This page was revised to provide clarification on which school year the applicant should apply for based on the school year they are planning to attend college. The applicant can view the status of his/her FSA ID in the FSA ID section of the My FAFSA page.

25 Create a Save Key The “Save Key” allows an applicant to save his/her FAFSA application and return at a later time to complete and submit the application. The application is saved for 45 days or until the student submits his/her application for processing. Additionally, the Save Key allows applicants a way to share their application with their parents.

26 Introduction “Introduction Page”.

27 Student Demographic Information
“Student Demographic Information” page.

28 Student Eligibility 2017-18 “Student Eligibility” page.
The word “college” was added to the question “What will your college grade level be when you begin the school year?”

29 Student Eligibility/High School Search
“Student Eligibility continued” page.

30 School Selection “School Selection” page.

31 School Selection Summary
“School Selection Summary” page.

32 Dependency Determination
“Dependency Determination” page.

33 Dependency Status Results
“Dependency Status Results” page. This page only displays if the applicant has been determined to be dependent.

34 Parent Demographics “Parent Demographic Information” page.

35 Parent Tax Information
“Parent Tax Information” page. New for , the 2015 tax information will be requested instead of the 2016 tax information. To emphasize this change for students and parents, an alert message will display indicating “Attention! You must provide financial information from your parents’ 2015 tax return on the following pages.” Additionally, the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT) section of the application has been revised to make the following changes: The “Did you, the parents, file taxes electronically in the last 3 weeks (or by mail in the last 11 weeks)?” question has been removed. Parents will not be requested to provide their FSA ID (if not already provided) on the “Parent Tax Information” page prior to clicking “Link to IRS” The Amended Tax Return and Foreign Tax Return questions have been revised to include 2015 as part of the question. The definition of the 1040 X amended tax return can be found by following the link that was added to the question.

36 Parent Tax Information (continued)
“Leaving FAFSA on the Web” page. The “Leaving FAFSA on the Web” page has been revised to provide information on how to utilize the IRS DRT and what will occur if they opt to not use the IRS DRT. This page has been revised to request the parent’s FSA ID to access the IRS DRT.

37 IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT)
Warning text appears as the IRS DRT site is displayed.

38 IRS DRT (Parent) with User Information
IRS Data Retrieval Tool, page 1, containing user demographic information. Even though the fields at the top are pre-filled based on FAFSA responses, the first name, last name, date of birth, and the filing status can be updated on this page. The Social Security Number cannot be updated.

39 IRS DRT (Parent) Submit and Return Options
IRS Data Retrieval Tool, page 1, containing user demographic information (continued, updated with user information). The user can click “Submit” to retrieve IRS data, or “Return to FAFSA” to discontinue use of the IRS DRT and return to FOTW.

40 IRS DRT (Parent) Data Transfer Options
IRS Data Retrieval Tool, page 2, containing user-specific IRS data. The user can check the “Transfer My Tax Information…” box and click “Transfer Now” to carry this data back into FOTW. The user can check the “Do Not Transfer…” box and click “Do Not Transfer” to discontinue use of the IRS DRT and return to FOTW. The user can click the “Print this page” icon in order to print the data that is displayed on this page.

41 Parent Financial Information
“Parent Financial Information” page. “Medicaid” has been added as an option under the Federal Means Tested Benefits. On all output documents, this will be listed as part of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) response. “School” has been added as part of the “Free or Reduced Price School Lunch” question.

42 Parent Financial Information (continued)
This is the top half of the “Parent Financial Information continued” page. The bottom half of the page is continued on the next slide. The “Additional Financial Information” section was updated to include “2015” for clarity.

43 Parent Financial Information (continued) – Text Change
This is the bottom half of the “Parent Financial Information continued” page. The “Untaxed Income” section was updated to include “2015” for clarity.

44 Independent Student, Student Tax Information
“Student Tax information” page. New for , the 2015 tax information will be requested instead of the 2016 tax information. To emphasize this change for students and parents, an alert message will display indicating “Attention! You must provide financial information from your 2015 tax return on the following pages.” Additionally, the IRS DRT section of the application has been revised to make the following changes: The “Did you file taxes electronically in the last 3 weeks (or by mail in the last 11 weeks)?” question has been removed. Students will not be requested to provide their FSA ID (if not already provided) on the Student Tax Information page prior to clicking “Link to IRS” The student should click “Link to IRS” rather than “Next” on this page. The Amended Tax Return and Foreign Tax Return questions have been revised to include 2015 as part of the question. The definition of the 1040 X amended tax return can be found by following the link that was added to the question.

45 Independent Student, Leaving FAFSA on the Web
“Leaving FAFSA on the Web” page, displayed when the student is going to the IRS Web site. The “Leaving FAFSA on the Web” page has been revised to provide information on how to utilize the IRS DRT and what will occur if they opt to not use the IRS DRT. In this case, the FSA ID for the student was entered when logging into their FAFSA, so it is not requested on this page.

46 Independent Student, IRS DRT
Warning text appears as the IRS DRT site is displayed.

47 Independent Student, IRS DRT with user information
IRS Data Retrieval Tool, page 1, containing user demographic information. Even though the fields at the top are pre-filled based on FAFSA responses, the first name, last name, date of birth and the filing status can be updated on this page. The Social Security Number cannot be updated.

48 Independent Student, IRS DRT Submit and Return Options
IRS Data Retrieval Tool, page 1, containing user demographic information (continued, updated with user information). The user can click “Submit” to retrieve IRS data, or “Return to FAFSA” to discontinue use of the IRS DRT and return to FOTW.

49 Independent Student, IRS DRT Transfer Options
IRS Data Retrieval Tool, page 2, containing user-specific IRS data. The user can check the “Transfer My Tax Information…” box and click “Transfer Now” to carry this data back into FOTW. The user can check the “Do Not Transfer…” box and click “Do Not Transfer” to discontinue use of the IRS DRT and return to FOTW. The user can click the “Print this page” icon in order to print the data that is displayed on this page.

50 Independent Student, Student Financial Information
“Student Financial Information” page.

51 Independent Student, Student Financial Information (continued)
Top half of the “Student Financial Information continued” page. Bottom half of the page is continued on the next slide. The “Additional Financial Information” section was updated to include “2015” for clarity.

52 Independent Student, Student Financial Information Text Changes
This is the bottom half of the “Student Financial Information continued” page.

53 Sign and Submit This is the top half of the “Sign & Submit” page, where the student signs and actively acknowledges the Certification Statement. Applicants must still actively agree with the certification statement. Since the student entered his/her FSA ID to go to the IRS to transfers data, he/she is not requested to provide his/her FSA ID Username and Password again to sign the application.

54 Sign and Submit, Parent Signature
This is the bottom half of the “Sign & Submit” page for the dependent student, with the parent signature options and the active confirmation for the parent Certification Statement. Since the student entered his/her FSA ID to go to the IRS to transfer data, he/she is not requested to provide his/her FSA ID Username and Password again to sign the application.

55 Confirmation Page 2017-18 “Confirmation Page”
Parents of dependent students are offered the option to transfer the parents’ data into another student’s new FAFSA. The link is found on the “Confirmation Page.” If the applicant leaves the confirmation page before they click this link they will not be able to return to transfer data to the application of a sibling.

56 MAHALO!!! Questions??? Tonight was sponsored by:
Pacific Financial Aid Association Bank of Hawaii Hawaii Community Foundation GEAR UP Hawaii

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