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Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State

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1 Aim: Describe Stalin’s Goal of Transforming the Soviet Union into a Totalitarian State

2 Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State
Stalin aimed to create a perfect Communist state in Russia Stalin planned to transform the Soviet Union into a Totalitarian state Began by destroying his enemies (real & imaginary) Stalin built a police state to maintain his power Used tanks & armored cars to stop riots Monitored telephone lines, read mail, & planted informers everywhere Arrested & executed millions (8-13) 1937: Stalin launched the Great Purge Campaign of terror directed at eliminating anyone who threatened his power Stalin gained total control 2

3 Russian Propaganda & Censorship
Stalin’s government controlled all newspapers, motion pictures, radio, and other sources of information Soviet newspapers & radio broadcasts glorified the achievements of communism Under Stalin, the government controlled all education from nursery schools through the universities School children learned the virtues of the Communist party 3

4 Religious Persecution
Communists aimed to replace religious teachings with the ideals of communism The government and the League of the Militant Godless spread propaganda & attacked religion League was an officially sponsored group of atheists Religious beliefs were considered mere superstitions The Russian Orthodox Church was the main target of persecution Police destroyed churches & synagogues 4

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