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Induction Tour: Trainer Guide

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1 Induction Tour: Trainer Guide
Helen Crossley V2 26/03/18 Induction Tour: Trainer Guide Instructions: A Manager / trained supervisor must complete this tour. Please be aware that it is the trainer’s responsibility to ensure that all points on the tour are covered, in order to help ensure the safety and well-being of the new colleague. This should be recorded on the PAR. Introductions: Introduce the Store Manager, Management team, buddy, and any new colleagues you meet along the tour Show to the colleague the location of their lockers, colleague areas, smoking shelter, toilets , changing facilities and the relevant notice boards Safe and Legal knowledge Fire Safety: Walk the store and confirm the following fire safety procedures. to the colleague: Explain what the alarm sounds like and explain that tests take place Walk the floor pointing out escape routes and fire alarms in the building and explain how to break the glass to raise the alarm Explain that if a fire is discovered the alarm should be sounded first and the Duty Manager should then be informed Demonstrate how to open the final exit doors and explain that internal fire doors in the building should remain closed at all times to ensure a fire does not spread Explain how to evacuate safely ie to not collect personal belongings, or attempt to put out the fire if it is unsafe to do so. Colleagues should calmly escort customers out of the nearest available route, ensuring fire doors are closed behind them. Take the colleague to the Fire Assembly point Explain why it is important that colleagues report to here in the event of a fire Demonstrate how to use the different fire extinguishers to extinguish different types of fire i.e. water, powder, foam and CO². Explain that fires should only be extinguished if it is safe to do so. Using the information written on the fire extinguisher, explain how and when to use each. Explain that it’s essential for everyone’s safety that they are aware of hazards that can cause a fire and that if they see anything that’s a risk, they should raise the issue . Give examples e.g. blocked fire exits, faulty electrical equipment, overloading power circuits, smoking etc Knife safety Demonstrate how to use a safety knife safely. Specialist colleagues to read and sign that they understand the knife safety policy. If unable to open link – hand out copy for Specialist colleagues to read.

2 Slips, trips and falls Manual handling:
Walk the floor and ask colleagues to highlight high risk areas for slips, trips and falls - point out any areas that are missed. Explain how to avoid creating hazards if these are not highlighted. (e.g. entrance mats, fresh produce area, untidy warehouses) Explain that walkways should be clear of obstructions, spills and liquids, and that equipment should be stored safely when not being used. Spillages should be sign posted with a hazard board and the spillage cleaned up as soon as possible and another colleague asked to stand over the spillage whilst equipment is being sought Manual handling: Demonstrate the correct manual handling technique used for lifting or carrying items and explain safe and unsafe practice If needed, click here to refer to the safe use of a unitainer SOP Demonstrate how to move laden unitainers safely and how to load and unload different sized boxes or containers Explain safety procedures when unloading deliveries, including correct PPE and back door safety requirements. If needed, click here to refer to the safe unloading of a unitainer SOP Explain if there have been any recent Health & Safety incidents that have occurred within the store and how to avoid these incidences in the future. Show the colleagues the Health & Safety notice board and explained that key H&S information and contact numbers are located on it (e.g. for the Reps, HSE and the H&S Manager) Fridge Safety Demonstrate how to sound the fridge alarm if you are trapped inside and ensure you explain that colleagues need to attend quickly if it is sounded Food Safety (Explain that full training will be provided on how to do these checks during their department training) Walk the store and explain where typical HACCP hazards occur including: How to avoid cross contamination – e.g. were and how Raw and Ready To Eat uniforms should be stored, the danger of mixing raw and ready to cook foods when storing, reduction bays etc . If needed, refer to the guidance note on uniform and hygiene standards Guidance note Reference the guidance on uniform and personal hygiene standards and the importance of following this policy. Guidance note Explain the dangers of incorrect storage and handling of raw and ready to cook items and explain that further training will be given on their department Show an example of a log book and explain why we follow the relevant checks for critical control points and why we record them, and explain the legal and health implications if we don’t. Explain that full log book training will be provided on the department on how to do these checks . Click here to see an example of a log book Explain where cleaning chemicals are kept and how these should be stored safely. Explain that we only use Winter-halter. guidance note On the tour, point out any areas which might be a pest control problem (e.g. the backyard, bins, open doors etc). Explain the importance of the clean as you go policy. SOP Allergens Demonstrate on a) an ambient product on the shop floor b) an instore bakery line c) a café menu item, where to locate the allergen information Show the colleagues where the allergen files are kept

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