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A-G CCR School Wide Intervention Empower Support & Engage

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Presentation on theme: "A-G CCR School Wide Intervention Empower Support & Engage"— Presentation transcript:

1 A-G CCR School Wide Intervention Empower Support & Engage
April 4th, 2017 Broncotorials All Students Every Day A-G

2 Rewind to 2013-2014 School Year Asking the Right Questions:
What resources do we currently have available to us? What are we good at as a school? What areas do we need to improve in? What about our subgroups? Are we serving all students? How do we collect data? How do we use data? How are we held accountable? What do we want our program to look like and what services are we providing to kids? How do we move our counseling program forward.

3 Develop a Plan Vista Murrieta High School CCR Work Plan
(Three Years) Team: VMHS Counseling Team Slogan: City, Valley, County, State Short Term Goals: Marked Improvement in A-G Completion Started at 45% in 2014, Current 60% Develop a Transitional Post H.S. Plan for All Students Implementation of Broncotorials Training of Clerical/AVID/Seminar as extensions of guidance Change of Culture in Regards to CCR

4 Plan Continued Change of Culture in regards to CCR A-G Blitz
Teacher Training on A-G Completion Schedule Change Policy Revisions Tracking Student Engagement Student participation in one or more activity on campus Counselor A-G Transcript Reviews Every Semester Career Pathway Development SAT/ACT Testing: Tracking Student Participation 100% FAFSA completion: Military/Income Restraints/Com. Culture AP/DE Participation Increased

5 VMHS Guidance Goals 2016-2017 Staff Trainings:
Build a college going culture through staff understanding of four year requirements. Develop Post High School Transitional Plans that support all students not just 4 year bound. Develop Site Based Social Emotional Support Program Develop Campus Wide Intervention Process: Tutoring Mentoring Intervention Systems Increase A-G Course Work Completion 60% Class of 2017 School Wide Support for FAFSA completion Develop Data Collection Systems to support VMHS subgroup success. VMHS Guidance Goals

6 A-G CCR Broncotorial Goals Recover ADA
April 4th, 2017 Improve A-G Provide Intervention Opportunities

7 Broncotorials “All Students Everyday”
Intervention Program Designed to Support Student Success We all have a responsibility to do everything in our power to help students succeed. Not all students work on our timelines or expectations. It is a process to get them moving in the right direction Normal intervention systems require a teacher to spend time outside the classroom working with students in a voluntary model Broncotorials are a way to provide student intervention while teachers are paid for their time!

8 How it Works Next week I will send out a link starting the data collection process. (Microsoft 365, Google Docs) You will be able to submit names that need intervention If you would like to help out and teach on a Broncotorial day or build your own class please contact me via Classes are built based on referrals by teachers. Believe it or not, students want to come and will refer themselves! Students will then receive enrollment information and Golden Rod Forms. Students fill out the Golden Rod and get teacher approval for completion of work Students complete work on the day of the Broncotorial

9 How it Works Continued All work is collected on the day of the Broncotorial and is distributed back to teachers the following Monday ADA is collected based on absences. In order to pay a teacher, we must have roughly 7 students with absences to cover the cost of the day. Teachers are paid based on the C-5 rate We will be working with the site leadership team to improve our efforts towards student success.

10 Broncotorial Dates 1st Semester October 15th December 3rd (AVID Day)
December 12th (Link Crew Day) 2nd Semester March 11th May 13th TBD Broncotorial Dates

11 Broncotorial Check List
Create survey link using online format survey Recruit teachers to participate on Saturday teachers link for student referral Notify Parents: Parent Portal /Phone Message Promotion of Event: BNN/Parent Link/Parent Portal/Website Update needed Forms: Golden Rod Student Work Contract Parent Verification Letter Student Instruction Sheet

12 Check List Continued Day of the Event: Break: End of the Day:
Arrive Early and Set Up Set up Tables for Check In Open Bathrooms ( 1 Only) Organize Tutors Organize Textbooks/Technology Needs Arrange Master List of Student Assignment in Visible Area Break: Support Food Services Roam Campus to Ensure Students are on Task End of the Day: Collect Completed Work Turn in Completed Work to Guidance for Distribution Clean Bathrooms and Lock Up Turn in Teacher Time Sheets for Payment

13 What We Learned in 14-15 No matter what you do some students still need more support! Having another teacher with your students is tough! Finding meaningful work for students to do on these days requires extra time on the teachers part. Some students won’t show up…Others show up on the day of without the appropriate paperwork or approvals. Teachers are the lynch pin to the success of the program. Best practices: Build your own class on the Broncotorial Day! Use the time to reteach lessons, units, tests! Retake quizzes and or tests Have students demonstrate mastery of the content they didn't get the first time.



16 Teacher Hello Everyone we are starting the process of referring students for the September 19th Broncotorial. Who should come to Broncotorials? Any student who needs or wants to improve in your class! What if I want to come and teach on Sept. 19th: If you want your students to come on Saturday we can build a class for you and have only your kids there. Yes you do get paid for coming and positively changing student outcomes.  Let me know and we can make this happen Best practices to improve your class performance?:  Have you taught a chapter and given a test with poor outcomes. Many teachers have brought their students back to reteach and reassess with great results. Just an idea you may consider. How can I refer students For Broncotorials?  Click on this link and fill out the referral form: ujKr9N%2fxTUQ7Y%2bt1mukz83Xpz6YWi9FkK84fDp0%3d&docid=1_177a7283a b99481cc5221e48c5&wdForm Id=%7BE8C1787F%2DB9D1%2D4707%2D8536%2DC52B1FB6B5D5%7D

17 Teacher Email Continued
After I refer a student what happens next? Students are called in and given a parent verification form, teacher contract, and student instructions Students will: Log into ABI to view current grades Write out what assignments they would like to make up for your class on the golden rod form Bring the form to you to sign agreeing to let them make up the work on the day of the broncotorial Turn in the forms to Jackie Corby in the West Hall Guidance Office giving them a slot for the Saturday Intervention Key points in the process to know: Only work completed on the Saturday will be accepted Work is collected by Guidance at the completion of the Broncotorial and distributed to the individual teacher the following Monday All students will have to commit a full four hours at Broncotorials to turn in work completed.



20 2016 – 2017 Outcomes

21 Creating a Why For the Program
Instructional Support for Teachers Documented Intervention Intervention Fundraiser For Programs Creates an Academic Culture on Campus Ties Guidance to Practical/Tangible Help with Instruction Creates a Funding Mechanism For Future Intervention Ideas Afterschool Intervention Tutoring Creation of a Working Learning Center Next Steps How Can We Build Sustainable Systems?

22 Contact Info Eric Peterson x6779

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