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Bacteria and Yeast Cells

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Presentation on theme: "Bacteria and Yeast Cells"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacteria and Yeast Cells
What are the main features of bacterial and yeast cells. Starter: List all the words you know associated with cells. Too easy ? Link them together in a sentence to describe what a cell is.

2 Batting order Complete starter and feedback. Consider the structure of a yeast cell. Success Criteria

3 Yeast Single celled fungus.
Show students dried yeast – link to the fact they are bigger than animal cells. Single celled fungus.

4 Look at this cell – what does it remind you of?

5 Task: Lets investigate what yeast are used for.

6 Check Point What are the 3 key features of all cells? Write your answers on the mini white boards. Does a yeast have all of these?

7 Bacteria In pairs on mini white boards make a list of anywhere you find bacteria.

8 Bacterial Cells Using your mini white boards, draw what you predict a bacterial might look like. Task: Use page 136 to draw the bacterial cell and yeast cell. Too easy? Describe the similarities and differences between the bacterial cell and yeast cell.

9 Task – complete one of the following
Can do Draw a diagram of a yeast cell and a bacterial cell. Fully label them and explain what each part of the cell does. D grade CHALLENGE Draw a yeast cell and bacterial cell. List the similarities and differences, explaining the role of each part of the cell. List some uses of yeast and bacteria. C Grade IRON MAN Compare yeast and bacterial cells. How are they similar and different. Compare these also to animal and plant cells. Explain how we use yeast to make alcohol and bread. B Grade

10 Plenary Bacterial / animal / plant / yeast?
How many can you get right?

11 Task: Aim: to prove the existence of bacteria on very day objects.

12 1 2 3 5 6 4 Root hair cell Plant 1 Cheek cell 2 Bacteria 3 Bacteria 4
Yeast 6 Plant (onion epidermis) 6

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