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Written Assignment English B HL.

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1 Written Assignment English B HL

2 What is the WA? It is a word creative piece of writing which is based on one of the two literary works you have read in class. Creative Writing “the formation of an imaginative response to the work of literature, based on attentive reading, which then leads on to expressing that response in an appropriate way” Source: Examples of written assignment could be writing a new ending to a novel, interviewing a character, or a diary entry by one of the characters in a story or play, a news report about an event in the story and so on.

3 Ideas to stimulate an imaginative approach
Reversal: make a radical change to some element of the work. Change: make a subtle but significant change to some element of the work. Additions: suggest a fuller treatment of some aspect of the work that the author has not developed in detail. Gaps: fill in some aspect of the work that the author has indicated but has not described. Other POVs: take a scene, or aspect, of the work, and describe it as interpreted by one of the characters.

4 In your assignment, you have to show understanding and appreciation of the literary work. To achieve this, you have to: Reflect on the literary work: What is the work’s main theme? How does the autor present his/her theme? How does the plot support the theme? How are characters portrayed? What have you learned? Decide on the aim of your assignment. Why are you writting your assignment? Are you writing to highlight how a character feels at a certain point? Decide on a text type you will use. Which text type best delivers your message? Decide on an audience. Whom does your writing address?

5 Possible text types You can choose from the following or decide another text type: Article Interview Blog/Diary entry News report Written correspondence DO NOT merely choose a text type you would love to write. Think in terms of which text type would best deliver the message you have chosen.

6 and one more thing…. The Rationale
You must write together with the WA a word rationale introducing the assignment, stating the aim(s) and how their aim(s) have been achivied. The rationale 'presents' what you have done, You should direct the examiner's attention to the key elements of what the WA contains. So the rationale has to be very clear and highly focused! Once you finished, compare your assignment and the rationale. Do they work together? (Make amendments where necessary)

7 Written Assignment Criteria
CRITERION MARKS Criterion A Rationale and Task 10 marks Criterion B Organization and development 6 marks Criterion C Language 8 marks 24 marks

8 Criterion A Rationale and Task - How well does the student use the rationale and task in order to accomplish the assignment? Criterion B Organization and development - How effectively are ideas organized and developed? Criterion C Language - How appropiately and effectively dopes the student use language in relation to the task?

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