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Sarah Teetzel, PhD, True Sport Champion April 28, 2011 MPESA meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Sarah Teetzel, PhD, True Sport Champion April 28, 2011 MPESA meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sarah Teetzel, PhD, True Sport Champion April 28, 2011 MPESA meeting

2 Canadas national movement for sport and community.

3 What is a Movement? Derek Sivers: How to start a movement Please view the clip at:

4 to help sport live up to its full potential as a public asset by making a significant contribution to the development of youth and quality of life in our communities. The True Sport Movements Core Mission …

5 2002 Public Opinion Research Over 90% of Canadians believe in sports capacity to contribute to the moral and character development of young people. Yet, less than 20% felt the current sport system in Canada was delivering on this promise. The Sport we HAVE is not the Sport Canadians WANT!

6 2008 The True Sport Report – What Sport Can Do International literature review to support the notion of sport as a valued public asset Benefits of good community sport include: Improved health and well being Positive life course for children and youth Stronger more inclusive communities Economic development and renewal Greater environmental sustainability

7 At the heart of True Sport is a simple idea … good sport can make a great difference …a great difference in the lives of those who participate in it and a great difference in the communities that support it

8 W e call good sport True Sport … the sport Canadians want

9 Fairness o Excellence o Inclusion o Fun True Sport Values

10 Go For It o Play Fair o Respect Others o Keep It Fun o Stay Healthy o Give Back Principles for Sport

11 Recognize Sport as a Valuable Community Asset o Champion Ethical Conduct o Promote Inclusion o Strengthen Connections o Support Excellence o Foster Healthy, Active Lifestyles o Create Safe and Welcoming Environments o Celebrate Contribution Principles for Communities

12 True Sport Members Teams & Clubs Sport Organizations Schools Facilities Communities Allies Citizens

13 Join TRUE SPORT Commit Live TRUE SPORT Lead by example Grow TRUE SPORT Encourage others Stages of Engagement

14 Guided Direction o What You Can Do Guide o Council Resolutions o Presentations o True Sport Day o Values Agreement o E-learning o Engagement Kits

15 Great Things are Happening across Canada…

16 Why True Sport? Initiate a discussion Come together as a community AND become part of our larger True Sport community Gain access to our tools and resources Public expression of what you stand for Work towards the good sport that Canadians want


18 Current School-Based Members in MB Henderson Elementary School, Dauphin Sigurbjorg Stefansson School, Gimli WebWeb Lakewood School, Winnipeg The Horse Connection Inc., Winnipeg

19 True Sport offers many resources for Schools and Teachers

20 For more Information True Sports website has many resources for schools Please consider encouraging the schools in your division to become a True Sport School by making a conscious decision to join the True Sport Movement. Involving the administration and student council in the decision helps spread the True Sport message.

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