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Unit 7: Day 1 1. In our frantic search for the missing keys, we overturned everything in the room, leaving it in utter_________. 2. Getting a good education.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 7: Day 1 1. In our frantic search for the missing keys, we overturned everything in the room, leaving it in utter_________. 2. Getting a good education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 7: Day 1 1. In our frantic search for the missing keys, we overturned everything in the room, leaving it in utter_________. 2. Getting a good education will do much to _________ the problem of finding a job that pays well. 3.  The mournful tolling of the church bells sounded through the hillside. 4. Compose a COMPOUND-COMPLEX sentence using the word DISCERN

2 Unit 7: Day 2 1. Didn't it occur to them that signing the letter "The 10th Graders of Muncy" would ______ the entire class in the protest? 2. I wouldn't say I ____ homework, but I usually put it off until the last minute 3. He was a cold and heartless taskmaster. 4. Compose a C-C sentence using the word using TURBULENT

3 Unit 7: Day 3 1. The lunchroom rang with the sound of _______ debates between the fans of rival teams. 2. It is hard to realize that the great men who led the American Revolution were considered _______ by the British King. 3. The poll detected a change in public opinion. 4. Compose a COMPOUND-COMPLEX sentence using the word SOMBER

4 Unit 7: Day 4 1. I _______ prejudice in anyone, even a member of my own family. 2. Shakespeare tells us that "the evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft _______ with their bones." 3.  I detest all snobbery and conceit. 4. Compose a C-C sentence using the word TURBULENT

5 Unit 7: Day 5 1. A person who changes political parties on the basis of honest beliefs shouldn't be regarded as an _______. 2. Confident she could present her case effectively to the judge, she _________ her right to a jury trial. 3. The rescued dog was found in appallingly dingy surroundings.  4. Compose a C-C sentence using the word RENEGADE

6 Unit 7: Day 6 1. Your behavior at the assembly was foolish and _______; you deserved the detention that was issued. 2. Sometimes our teachers appear to be tough-nosed ______________ when really they just want to hold us to high standards. 3.  The spacious car was roomy but hard to park. 4. Compose a COMPOUND-COMPLEX sentence using the word OBVIATE

7 Unit 7: Day 7 Fill in the Blank
1. Many ruins in Rome are still ____ to remind us of this ancient civilization. 2. I got  a flu shot to _____ the onset of the flu this year.  The noisy child was always in trouble. 4. Compose a COMPOUND-COMPLEX sentence using the word WAIVE

8 Unit 7: Day 8 1. The trunk of the car was so ________ that it held all of our skiing equipment. 2. Those accused of crimes are sometimes willing to ______ their accomplices in return for immunity from prosecution. 3. The man convicted of fraud must forgo payment for his services. 4. Compose a COMPOUND-COMPLEX sentence using the word ABHOR

9 Unit 7: Day 9 1. One of the signs of maturity is the ability to _______ the difference between things that are a waste of time and things that are truly important. 2. The records of our club meetings are so ________ that it would take a week to read them all. 3.  The CEO of the company was willing to modify the long-standing policy. 4. Compose a COMPOUND-COMPLEX sentence using the word INTER

10 Unit 7: Day 10 1. Although our drill instructor went by the book, he was by no means an overbearing ______. 2. I didn't expect you to like my suggestion, but I was shocked by your bitter and _______ criticism of it. 3. His retirement saving account was battered by fluctuations in the stock market. 4. Compose a C-C sentence using the word AMEND

11 Unit 7: Day 11 1. We are petitioning our teacher to ________ her required homework policy. 2. It is particularly _________ for citizens to fail to vote in an election and then complain about the government. 3. The young man found himself entangled in a web of deceit. 4. Compose a C-C sentence using the word CORROSIVE

12 Unit 7: Day 12 1. In honor of the upcoming holiday, Mrs. Gotshall _______ all homework until a later date (just kidding)! 2. Ebenezer Scrooge feels ______ when he looks at his own tombstone with the ghost of Christmas future. 3. "The best way to spread holiday cheer is to sing loudly for all to hear..." 4. Compose a C-C sentence using the word SQUALID

13 Unit 7: Day 13 1. Though his heart grows at the end, the Grinch ______ everything about Christmas! 2. The North Pole was _____ with one snow storm after another the night that Rudolph drove the sleigh. 3. The living room will be in great confusion on Christmas morning with wrapping paper all over!  4. Compose a C-C sentence using the word AMEND

14 Unit 7: Day 14 1. Santa could not ______ how valuable Rudolph was to his team until he needed him to lead his sleigh. 2. Ebenezer Scrooge was a ______ in his office, even on Christmas Eve 3. If you believe, the spirit of the holidays will always be ______ in your heart. 4. Compose a C-C sentence using the word OBVIATE

15 Unit 7: Day 15 1. One may consider Buddy a _________, for he did leave the North Pole! 2. You must _________ your naughty habits if you want to make it on the “nice list”. 3. Santa’s sleigh must be spacious to fit all those gifts on it! 4. Write a C-C sentence using voluminous

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