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Business Intelligence

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Presentation on theme: "Business Intelligence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Intelligence
Stefano Grazioli

2 Critical Thinking Bug bounty Easy Meter

3 Homework Google’s Daily Cagr

4 Daily Cagr for Google You are an analyst at a broker firm.
Many of our customers invest for short amounts of time on Google. They sell their shares within a few weeks…. I wonder: do they make any money out of it?

5 UML Activity Diagram - Daily Compound Average Growth of a Security (part II)
The user press the Compute Cagr button Compute the Cagr for the next customer [(final price/initial price)^1/days ]-1 Print the result for that customer. In red if it is zero or negative. Print the Average of all Cagrs at the bottom of the Cagr column, with a descriptive label. [No More Customers]

6 Suggestions Video available Give yourself plenty of time

7 WINIT What Is New In Technology?

8 Dates

9 Dates Dim myDate As Date = "11/14/2002“ Year = myDate.Year MyDate
Month = myDate.Month Day = myDate.Day DOW = myDate.DayOfWeek DOY = myDate.DayOfYear ... MyDate Year 2002 Month 11 Day 14 Week 45 .... ...

10 A TimeSpan represents the elapsed time between two dates.
Dim myDate1 As Date Dim myDate2 As Date Dim myTS As TimeSpan myDate1 = Range("A1").Value myDate2 = Range("A2").Value myTS = myDate2 - myDate1 Range("A3").Value = myTS.Days Date1 Date2 TIMESPAN

11 TimeSpan mySpan.Days gives you the total number of days
mySpan.TotalDays gives you the total number of days, plus a fraction of day based on the hours

12 Cagr [(final price/initial price)^(1/days)]-1
See the timespan slide example. You will need to use .Days

13 You do the talking Name, major Learning objectives
Things you like about the class Things that can be improved Strengths / Attitude towards the Tournament

14 Text manipulation used in data quality and beyond

15 Strings and Characters
Dim myString As String = “This is a sample string" Dim myString2 As String = "s" Dim myChar As Char = "s"c

16 Testing Numbers Dim myString As String = "#2344-234-33-3"
Dim temp As String = "" For Each x As Char In myString If IsNumeric(x) Then temp = temp + x End If Next

17 Inserting and Removing
Dim myStr As String = "This is a sample string" myStr = myStr.Insert(4, "xyz") myStr = myStr.Remove(4, 3) 'starting where,how many myStr = myStr.Replace(" is", " was") myStr = myStr.Substring(0, 9) + “ another " myStr.Substring(10, 13) + "."

18 Finding Dim myStr As String = "This is a sample string"
Dim myPosition As Integer = 0 myPosition = myStr.IndexOf("s")

19 Total length of the result
Trimming and Padding myLenght = myString.Length myNewString = myString.Trim() myNewString = myString.TrimEnd() myNewString = myString.TrimStart() myNewString = myString.PadLeft(50) myNewString = myString.PadRight(20) Total length of the result


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