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Coordinated Entry System

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1 Coordinated Entry System
Access Point Diversion Households avoid homelessness Market Rate Housing Community Based Housing, Services and Support Prevention Temporary Shelter This graphic can be a helpful way to understand fundamental aspects of coordinated entry. In reading this from left to right, coordinated entry begins at the access point or through outreach into the crisis response system. The assessment process that promotes a planned and intentional “flow” or referral for participants from initial crisis response, such as shelter or outreach, to permanent housing. This redesigned system approach also allows us to ensure the most vulnerable participants are prioritized for assistance. The old model of continuums of care might have portrayed the same component types but without the systematic response which assists participants to quickly and successful navigate their way to permanent housing. The old system might have had prolonged program stays, participants cycling in and out of programs, or participants with the greatest need and highest vulnerability unable to access the very programs designed to meet their needs. The old model of the CoC system places the focus on individual programs with the core organizing question being: “Should we accept this household into our program?”  The new system approach inverts that structure and places the emphasis back on the persons experiencing homeless. The new systems asks: “What housing /service assistance is best for each household and quickly ends their housing crisis permanently?” Rapid Rehousing Transitional Housing Permanent Supportive Housing Outreach

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