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Strengthening the Sport and Recreation Connection ARPA Conference Lake Louise, 2011.

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1 Strengthening the Sport and Recreation Connection ARPA Conference Lake Louise, 2011

2 The Sport Systems Amateur Sport System Amateur Sport System –Local sport organizations –Prov.-Terr. sport orgs. (P-TSOs) and govts. –National sport orgs. (NSOs) and Sport Canada Educational Sport System Educational Sport System –Gymnasium, field sports & track oriented –Grade schools and post-secondary –Secondary and post-secondary orgs.

3 The Recreation System 1987 National Recreation Statement 1987 National Recreation Statement –Primacy of Provinces-Territories and defined roles in supporting delivery –Federal role to support coordination and communication – national orgs. as partners –Communities as the primary delivery agency Municipalities no longer children of the provinces and are highly autonomous Municipalities no longer children of the provinces and are highly autonomous Lacks the jurisdictional vertical integration seen in sport Lacks the jurisdictional vertical integration seen in sport

4 Shifts in the Two Systems Recreation Recreation –Federal role in recreation/physical activity has greatly diminished – along with national partnerships –Provincial roles have shifted emphasis to physical activity promotion –Prov./Terr. Parks & Rec. Associations have increased their capacity and influence, including the delivery of P-T government initiatives Sport Sport –2002 Canadian Sport Policy and its four pillars –LTAD and CS4L –Sport now extolling the health benefits

5 CS4L LTAD Model – Working to Shift Amateur Sport 1. Active Start 2. FUNdamentals 3. Learning to Train 4. Training to Train 5. Training to Compete 6. Training to Win 7. Active for Life

6 Some CS4L Principles Emphasis on physical literacy as starting point Emphasis on physical literacy as starting point Exposure to multiple sports rather than early specialization Exposure to multiple sports rather than early specialization Developmental rather than chronological age, especially in early sport participation Developmental rather than chronological age, especially in early sport participation Continuing participation rather than progressive elimination with age Continuing participation rather than progressive elimination with age

7 Breadth of Municipal Recreation (and Parks and Culture) Roles Open space system Open space system Indoor facilities Indoor facilities Broad range of leisure opportunities, including active lifestyles – directly and indirectly Broad range of leisure opportunities, including active lifestyles – directly and indirectly Supporting local community organizations Supporting local community organizations Ensuring affordable and accessible services Ensuring affordable and accessible services Addressing community needs and issues through partnerships with other sectors Addressing community needs and issues through partnerships with other sectors Contribute to the overall Quality of Life within the Benefits Approach Contribute to the overall Quality of Life within the Benefits Approach

8 Municipal Roles in Sport Facility Provision for training and competition Facility Provision for training and competition Early Skill Development Early Skill Development Ongoing Sport Play Ongoing Sport Play Coordination and Support Coordination and Support Allocation Policies and Subsidies Allocation Policies and Subsidies Joint-use Agreements with School Dists. Joint-use Agreements with School Dists. Sport Hosting / Sport Tourism Sport Hosting / Sport Tourism Other Supports Other Supports

9 Defining the Partnership – Two Recent Papers 1. 2010 Partnering Recreation with Sport through Canadian Sport for Life, the Version 1 paper prepared by CS4L 2. 2011 Toward a CPRA Position Paper on Building Enhanced Collaboration between Recreation and Sport The intent is to develop a collaborative Version 2 paper by 2012

10 Partnership Principles Neither sport or recreation a sub-set of the other Neither sport or recreation a sub-set of the other Focus on opportunities for collaboration Focus on opportunities for collaboration Sport is far more vertically integrated than recreation Sport is far more vertically integrated than recreation Municipalities are autonomous, but P&R Depts. relate most directly with their P/T Assoc. Municipalities are autonomous, but P&R Depts. relate most directly with their P/T Assoc. Partnerships between Recreation and Sport also need to extend to Education and Health Partnerships between Recreation and Sport also need to extend to Education and Health

11 Potential Strategies for Enhanced Collaboration 1. Increasing mutual awareness at all levels 2. Supporting Physical Literacy program development and education 3. Municipal planning includes CS4L principles & Sport Strategy Development 4. Facility planning and provision as a dual responsibility 5. Sport Council/Alliances development 6. Access and allocation policies that are fair

12 1. Increasing Mutual Awareness Develop and share the Version 2 Paper with Sport Canada, NSOs, Canadian Sport Centers, and other nat. sport orgs. Develop and share the Version 2 Paper with Sport Canada, NSOs, Canadian Sport Centers, and other nat. sport orgs. Contribute to the 2012 National Sport Policy and other national dailogues Contribute to the 2012 National Sport Policy and other national dailogues Provincial-Terr. dialogues (build on ARPA, BCRPA and RANS experiences) Provincial-Terr. dialogues (build on ARPA, BCRPA and RANS experiences) Communicate at the local level through sport forums, sport strategy, sport alliances Communicate at the local level through sport forums, sport strategy, sport alliances

13 2. Supporting Physical Literacy Program Development & Education Integrate within pre-school and day-care recreational programs Integrate within pre-school and day-care recreational programs Provide more focused physical literacy programs in recreation centres Provide more focused physical literacy programs in recreation centres HIGH FIVE and CS4L training for leaders HIGH FIVE and CS4L training for leaders Parent education about physical literacy Parent education about physical literacy Introductory skill exposure opportunities Introductory skill exposure opportunities Enhance local coaches exposure to PL and CS4L Enhance local coaches exposure to PL and CS4L Recreation and Sport work with and support elementary school programs Recreation and Sport work with and support elementary school programs

14 3. Municipal Planning and Sport Strategy Development Include strategies for sport development and advancement of CS4L principles in annual municipal strategic plans Include strategies for sport development and advancement of CS4L principles in annual municipal strategic plans Fully engage sport community in master planning processes Fully engage sport community in master planning processes Develop a community Sport Strategy (e.g. Vancouver) as municipal policy Develop a community Sport Strategy (e.g. Vancouver) as municipal policy

15 4. Sport Councils/Alliances Municipalities can encourage development of sport councils and provide ongoing supports Municipalities can encourage development of sport councils and provide ongoing supports Serve as key vehicles for greater collaboration by sport groups and with municipality Serve as key vehicles for greater collaboration by sport groups and with municipality Provides a collective voice and actions for sport in the community Provides a collective voice and actions for sport in the community

16 5. Facility Planning and Provision as a Dual Responsibility Involve fully in facility planning Involve fully in facility planning Community level facilities need to consider a range of needs while others are more sport focused Community level facilities need to consider a range of needs while others are more sport focused Provide clarity on what types of supports you can provide Provide clarity on what types of supports you can provide Sport groups need to consider making capital and equipment contributions Sport groups need to consider making capital and equipment contributions Senior governments need to contribute capital and operating legacies for elite level facilities Senior governments need to contribute capital and operating legacies for elite level facilities

17 6. Access and Allocation Policies Base allocation practices on Standards of Play principles – not tradition Base allocation practices on Standards of Play principles – not tradition Make sure policies and subsidies are transparent to sports groups Make sure policies and subsidies are transparent to sports groups Needs of emerging sports are included Needs of emerging sports are included Seasonal allocation meetings with common user groups Seasonal allocation meetings with common user groups Flexibility of re-allocation during season Flexibility of re-allocation during season

18 Fill the Participation Gaps After-school opportunities for participation After-school opportunities for participation Youth drop-in sport Youth drop-in sport Skill and participation programs for girls and young women Skill and participation programs for girls and young women Co-program with P/TSOs and host multi- sport exposure events Co-program with P/TSOs and host multi- sport exposure events Late-entry skill and participation programs for adults Late-entry skill and participation programs for adults

19 Questions and Comments

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