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Agenda (for me) Small group Socratic Seminars Station Rotation:

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda (for me) Small group Socratic Seminars Station Rotation:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda (for me) Small group Socratic Seminars Station Rotation:
#1 – Socratic Seminar w/ Spruill #2 – Reading ATSS #3 – Working on – practice with another rhetorical argument and analyzing how the author builds it (2. 17 in book – read/annotate using Setting a Purpose for Reading – then complete 1-5)

2 Reminders – 11-3-17 ATSS, Next chapters due Monday – Chaps. 36-40
Socratic Seminar Today Research Paper: Next steps – I will continue checking Idea Sheets commenting on them. Hope to finish by tonight. Your task to continue to work at home on reading articles and identifying evidence that will support your claims/thesis. Build your references page in EasyBib Start organizing your evidence underneath each claim in a new document. HW: Work on research for your essay; start considering the photos you will take and use for your argument photo essay.

3 Station Rotation Socratic Seminar w/ Spruill Reading ATSS
Working on – practice with another rhetorical argument and analyzing how the author builds it (2. 17 in book – read/annotate using Setting a Purpose for Reading – then complete 1-5)

4 Group #1 Danielle Hailey Elise Erin Amelia Ariana Owen Lauren Brady
Gaby Traven

5 Group #1 Group #2 Group #3 Danielle Hailey Elise Erin Amelia Ariana Owen Lauren Brady Gaby Traven Sydney Arinze Ashley Fiorella Aaliyah Miles Morgan Damion Cooper Kennedy Zach Kate Tinsley Charli Emma Evan Logan Ashlyn Mollie Jay Avery

6 Group #1 Group #2 Group #3 Tristan Anna Ruth Lanayah Juliyan Briana Ryan Riona Lizzy Eric Brendan Gabrielle Emma Layth Katherine Simone Rodney Zack Ainsley Kelvien Ava *Hunter (A) *Jen (A) Elizabeth Kelly Nicole Gavin Dacey Lex Amy Raechel Zaria Sierra (A)

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