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Causes of World War One.

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Presentation on theme: "Causes of World War One."— Presentation transcript:

1 Causes of World War One

2 Was the First World War inevitable or completely preventable?
Guiding Question Was the First World War inevitable or completely preventable?

3 The Alliance System

4 The Alliance System Triple Alliance Germany Austria-Hungary Italy

5 Triple Entente France Russia Britain



8 Militarism 1)Naval Race Britain vs Germany

9 Dreadnought

10 Two Power Navy Standard
Britain looks for help from its Empire (ie Canada)

11 Laurier compromises (again)
Naval Service Bill Laurier compromises (again) Canada will build its own Navy that can be used by Britain (tin pot navy) French Canadians dislike English Canadians dislike Tensions Rise again Laurier loses Election 1911

12 A Canadian Navy

13 2) Military Planning Schlieffen Plan (German) Plan 17 ( French)
Militarism (2) 2) Military Planning Schlieffen Plan (German) Plan 17 ( French)

14 Military Planning – Schlieffen Plan

15 Schlieffen Plan


17 Imperialism Crises Germany wants a piece of the colonial pie
Moroccan Crisis Bosnian Crisis


19 Loyalty to one’s home country or people
Nationalism Loyalty to one’s home country or people Belief that your nation is superior


21 All we need is a spark

22 Franz Ferdinand - Heir to the Austrian Throne



25 Franz Ferdinand Visits Sarajevo

26 Serbian Nationalism Black Hand

27 Black Hand attempts assasination
7 terrorists


29 CABRINOVIK HURLS BOMB Cabrinovik throws bomb; takes poison, jumps off into river. Lives… arrested.

30 Franz goes to the townhall and then to the hospital to visit victims of first bombing

31 Gavrillo Princip




35 Princip killed Ferdinand and Sophie and then tried to kill himself…
Arrested, questioned, eventually gives up the other conspirators who had escaped to Serbia...



38 Princip assassinates Francis Ferdinand at Sarajevo
1914 June 28 Princip assassinates Francis Ferdinand at Sarajevo





43 Germany gives Austria her "Blank Cheque"
1914 July 5 Germany gives Austria her "Blank Cheque"

44 Austrian Ultimatum to Serbia
1914 July 23 Austrian Ultimatum to Serbia

45 1914 July 25 Pashich (Serbian Premier) capitulates on all but two points. Austria breaks off relations. Serbia mobilizes.

46 Austria orders a partial mobilization.
1914 July 26 Austria orders a partial mobilization.

47 Austria declares war on Serbia.
1914 July 28 Austria declares war on Serbia. FRANZ JOSEPH

48 1914 July 30 Russia orders a general Mobilization

49 Germany issues Russia an ultimatum to stop mobilizing
1914 July 31 Germany issues Russia an ultimatum to stop mobilizing

50 1914 August 1 Kaiser orders mobilisation and declares war on Russia. France mobilises

51 1914 August 3 Germany declares war on France. Italy declares her neutrality and leaves the Triple Alliance.

52 Britain declares war because Belgium's neutrality was not honoured.
1914 August 4 Britain declares war because Belgium's neutrality was not honoured.

53 Japan declares war on Germany.
1914 August 23 Japan declares war on Germany.



56 load ww1events



59 Gavrillo Princip

60 The Great War Begins June 28th 1914 Franz Ferdinand Assassinated
July 5 – Germany gives A-H Blank Cheque July 28th Austria-Hungary Declares War on Serbia – Russia Mobilizes Aug 1st Germany Declares War on Russia Aug 3rd Germany Declares War on France Schlieffen Plan in motion – Belgium Invaded Aug 4th Britain Declares War on Germany Belgium’s Neutrality Violated Canada now at war as well

61 Was the First World War inevitable or completely preventable?
Guiding Question Was the First World War inevitable or completely preventable?

62 The Battle Of The Frontiers: August 4-24,1914
German advance blocked by the fortified city of Liege August 16, Belgian forts rubble thanks to 42 cm howitzer Heaviest artillery ever used.

63 Schlieffen Plan failed
German right wing changed from 8-1 to 3-1 by Moltke French realised they were being encircled counter-attack

64 "The Miracle of the Marne"

65 French Taxied to the Front Hold off German Advance
Miracle of the Marne French Taxied to the Front Hold off German Advance

66 German General, Moltke, was replaced by Falkenhayn
Moltke Fired German General, Moltke, was replaced by Falkenhayn Moltke: “Germany would lose the war.”

67 Race to the Sea Attempt to Outflank each other

68 Both Sides dig in (literally) War of Attrition begins
Stalemate Both Sides dig in (literally) War of Attrition begins

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