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Primary goal of the government:

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Presentation on theme: "Primary goal of the government:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary goal of the government:
Stable growth Unemployment Low inflation

2 The Budget Goal: to balance what the govt. takes in with what it spends. Budget surplus- takes in more than it spends Budget deficit- spends more than it take in


4 National Debt- the total amount of outstanding debt for the federal government.
1998 the government began to run a budget surplus 10 year budget surplus was projected but it didn’t happen Sept. 11 terrorist attacks happened Our national debt is over 18 trillion right now.

5 Taxation Taxes are justified based on 2 basic principles
benefits-received principle- those who use the service pay the taxes Example- tax on gas or alcohol ability-to-pay principle- those with higher income pay more taxes Example- property taxes

6 Forms of Taxation Proportional Tax- a portion of your income
Example- Everyone pays 10% Progressive Tax- the higher the income the more tax you pay Example- federal income tax Regressive Tax- % you pay goes down the more money you make Example- sales tax on food

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