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PowerPoint by Mrs. Leake and 4th period

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1 PowerPoint by Mrs. Leake and 4th period
Fiske Chapters 19 & 20 PowerPoint by Mrs. Leake and 4th period

2 nemesis noun An unbeatable foe; a source of harm or ruin.
For a soldier in boot camp, the drill sergeant is his nemesis because the sergeant can punish the recruit at will. An unbeatable foe; a source of harm or ruin. noun

3 inimical adj. Extremely hostile enemy.
For a snake or a beehive, the honey badger is inimical. Extremely hostile enemy. adj.

4 enmity noun Deep-seated often mutual hatred.
During the Cold War, there was enmity between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. vs. Deep-seated often mutual hatred. noun

5 pugilistic adj. People who are inclined to fight—esp. with fists.
“Put up your dukes,” said the pugilistic dude with the ‘stache. People who are inclined to fight—esp. with fists. adj.

6 belligerent adj. Aggressive or engaged in warfare.
We had to put the jack ‘o lantern down after he attacked the neighborhood pumpkins. Aggressive or engaged in warfare. adj.

7 miffed adj. Someone who is annoyed or angry over a trivial issue.
Callie and Oprah stopped talking when Oprah became miffed over a Barbie doll. Someone who is annoyed or angry over a trivial issue. adj.

8 animosity noun Bitter hostility or hatred.
A lot of people blame Yoko Ono for the animosity that lead to the break up of the Beattles. Bitter hostility or hatred. noun

9 antipathy A lot of people have serious antipathy toward Justin Bieber and don’t want to have anything to do with Bieber fever. Strong feeling of aversion—wanting to be away from something. noun

10 malice noun Evil intentions or desire to harm others.
Kim Jong Un was so upset about being spoofed in a movie that his malice motivated him to threaten the U.S. Evil intentions or desire to harm others. noun

11 Bellicose adj. About as hostile as you can get, warlike
The bellicose white men were eager to destroy the Native American tribe. About as hostile as you can get, warlike adj.

12 Camaraderie noun Light-hearted mutual trust among friends.
Being in a tight-knit group of friends creates a camaraderie. Light-hearted mutual trust among friends. noun

13 Gregarious adj. Sociable, a person who enjoys the company of others.
The student was very gregarious and often got in trouble for talking in class. Sociable, a person who enjoys the company of others. adj.

14 Affable Disney princesses seem like they are very affable. Someone who is gracious and approachable, easy to speak to. adj.

15 Congenial adj. Agreeable and sympathetic, gracious.
To be a good employee, you must be very congenial with your customers. Agreeable and sympathetic, gracious. adj.

16 Simpatico adj. Having like mind or temperament.
Flynn Ryder and the kingdom are not exactly simpatico. Having like mind or temperament. adj.

17 Veneration You should feel veneration for Mr. Fiske because he is experienced and wise. A bit more feeling than friendship, respect or reverence. adj.

18 Adulation noun Excessive admiration or flattery, adoration.
When you wear a fan t-shirt, you are showing adulation for the show. Excessive admiration or flattery, adoration. noun

19 Demonstrative adj. Given to open expression of emotion.
Sports fans get very demonstrative when their team is about to score. Given to open expression of emotion. adj.

20 Cohort noun Any kind of group or band of people, a companion
The Avengers are a good group of cohorts that work together to save the world. Any kind of group or band of people, a companion noun

21 Kudos The student received kudos for being the only one to receive an A+ on the test. The praise one might offer to a friend or to someone of exceptional achievement. noun

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