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What does this image mean?.

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Presentation on theme: "What does this image mean?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does this image mean?

2 Title: The Production Line
Learning Objective: To explain what life would be like working in a sweat shop or a factory in a NIC.

3 Task Today you are going to be working on a production line. You will be making an item on your tables and each person will be given an individual role. You must work together in order to produce the items, earning your wages will depend on it!

4 Job roles Tracer Chief Cutter Template Folder Designer Gluer Assembler
You may only use 2 of the 3 tables that you are sitting at. Each person can only do the role they have been given. You must sit in the correct order so that you can pass jobs along to each other. Each person relies on the last person. If you are missing someone on the table one person must take on two roles. Each product must be perfect otherwise it will be sent back and you will be docked wages. Tracer Chief Cutter Template Folder Designer Gluer Assembler 3 2 1 4 5 6

5 You can only use the materials provided in your folder.
Each side of the cube must be 5cmx5cm. It must have the correct amount of tabs. It must be correctly assembled with no gaps. Every 5 must have the same design. You can only use the materials provided in your folder.

6 ALERT The cutters in each group have been called to the managers office. They will be missing from production for the next 5 minutes. Production must continue and someone must pick up the slack otherwise wages will be decreased for each person.

7 ALERT Due to over production in our sister factory the clients now only want cubes that are sized 7cm by 7cm.

8 ALERT Wages will be increased by 2 rupees each if more than 30 cubes are produced in your teams.

9 ALERT To increase profit 2 people from each team are being made redundant.

10 Review What would your life be like if you had a job like this?
What issues did you face on your tables? Why is teamwork important?

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