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Objective: SWBAT create and market their own sport using research conducted online Create a New Sport Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: SWBAT create and market their own sport using research conducted online Create a New Sport Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: SWBAT create and market their own sport using research conducted online Create a New Sport Project

2 Do Now Take out a sheet of paper! Make a list of requirements that turn an activity into a sport. If you could create your own sport, what would you want to include in it? Objective: SWBAT create and market their own sport using research conducted online

3 Directions for your project This is a Create a New Sport Project Partner up, and brainstorm some ideas for a new sport you would like to create Use elements that you like from existing sports and incorporate them Make sure that there would be a market for your sport How will you get the word out about your sport? How will this sport generate revenue? Objective: SWBAT create and market their own sport using research conducted online

4 Research some of these first! Bossaball Extreme Ironing Parkour Chess Boxing Cheese rolling Zorbing The World Toe Wrestling Competition Cardboard Tube Dueling Ferret Legging Objective: SWBAT create and market their own sport using research conducted online

5 Objective: SWBAT create and market their own sport using research conducted online Suggested Layout for PowerPoint Project Slide 1: Name of new sport with slogan You and your partner's names Image Slide 2: Explanation of your new sport how did you come up with this idea Is your sport a combination of any other sports?

6 Layout, Continued Slide 3: Rules and Regulations (Be very specific) Slide 4: Uniform Specifications; cost, what uniform looks like Equipment used Slide 5: Target Audience…who are your fans & why? Objective: SWBAT create and market their own sport using research conducted online

7 Layout, Continued Slide 6: Where will your sport be played? Slide 7: Ticket Prices Compare ticket price to an existing sport (give examples) Objective: SWBAT create and market their own sport using research conducted online

8 Final Slides Slide 8: Who are your sponsors? Celebrity endorsements? Explain and use graphics/images Why is this a good sponsor for your new sport? Slide 9: Show us your advertisement! Objective: SWBAT create and market their own sport using research conducted online

9 Conclusion Take out a pen and paper! Based on your sport research, what are the most strange sports that you found? Do you think they are successful? Why? Objective: SWBAT create and market their own sport using research conducted online

10 Weird Sports Links around-the-world.html

11 More links…

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