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TAG - title, author, genre

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1 TAG - title, author, genre
Common Essay Problems TAG - title, author, genre

2 “Drop” quotes Don’t start a sentence off with a quote:
Macbeth starts to want to kill King Duncan. “Is this a dagger which I see before me? The handle towards my hand? Come, let me clutch thee” ( ). Give it context and integrate the quote into a sentence Macbeth begins to want to kill King Duncan and he hallucinates. As he hallucinates a dagger floating in front of him he says, “Is this a dagger which I see before me? The handle towards my hand? Come, let me clutch thee” ( ). Tell what is going on in that scene, or at least tell who is talking to whom EX: Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth, “Be the serpent…”

3 MLA format Everything is Times New Roman, double-spaced
On the first page of the paper and flush with the left margin, type your first and last name, teacher’s name, subject and period, and the due date on separate lines, double- spacing between the lines. Double-space again and center the title. For example: Brilliant Student Ms. Ruiz English 2A, Period 1 October 19, 2017

4 MLA format No extra spaces in between paragraphs or the title/heading
Page numbers on the top right hand corner: last name page # Ruiz 1 Indent the first line of each paragraph one-half inch (tab) from the left margin

5 Works Cited Separate page! Even if it’s just one book Double-spaced
Make it part of the same document so you submit it to Alphabetize the list by the last names of the authors (or editors); if the work has no author or editor, alphabetize by the first word of the title other than A, An, or The Indenting Type the first line of an entry flush left and indent any additional lines one-half inch (tab) from the left margin (first line of each citation isn’t indented, all others lines are) Last name, First name. Title of book. City of publishing: Publisher, date. Print.

6 Other Title of essay Make it interesting, but keep it short No:
Macbeth essay Is Macbeth bad? Macbeth changes Essay Read your essay out loud to catch any awkward wording or phrasing

7 Period 2: Class ID: 16571398 Enrollment key: eng2p2

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