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Unit 1: Foundations 9.15.15.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1: Foundations 9.15.15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1: Foundations

2 Entry Task: Terms Please look up & write down definitions for the terms on your worksheet.

3 Today: 2012 documentary by the History Channel
Focuses on keys to our survival and success as a species

4 Keys to History From the first uses of fire to the development of the alphabet, humans have discovered & created important tools for survival. Each episode of the documentary traces the keys, which are found in surprising places: In the planet itself: oceans, silver, bronze In our bodies: disease, medicine In every day things: salt, sugar, ice In monuments & structures: pyramids, Great Wall of China In the universe: natural resources & energy In the infrastructure of society: technology, roadways

5 Episode 1: Inventors As you watch the episode please write down:
Keys to the survival of humans (there will be 6) The impact each key had on history

6 Keys to History What keys did you learn about in the video? Let’s make a list on the board. Fire, Water, Domestication of Animals, Farming, Writing, Trade

7 Take-Away Brainstorm:
Why did humans change from nomads to settled people?

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