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Bell-ringer: 4 minutes How much energy travels up the food chain each level? 100 percent 25 percent 10 percent 0 percent.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell-ringer: 4 minutes How much energy travels up the food chain each level? 100 percent 25 percent 10 percent 0 percent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell-ringer: 4 minutes How much energy travels up the food chain each level? 100 percent 25 percent 10 percent 0 percent


3 Feedback checks – parent letters
Kyra: returned quizzes? Detention warnings/ reminders See me after school to retry larger quiz questions

4 Connections Friday Bubble Worksheet
In groups to connect main ideas of energy to unanswered questions and Mississippi endangered animal of focus Period 1, 2: Louisiana black bear Period 3, 4: Piping Plover bird Period 5, 7: Pallid sturgeon fish Fill in anything you know about the topics in their circles Connect the circles that are related by drawing a line between them. Which areas of study do you think we/science needs to know more about?

5 Other resource needs: Food, Water, Shelter, Space
What happens when animals try to get these resources? 1. Students form 2 lines, each facing away from each other. One line chooses individually a resource need to represent while the other line acts as deer and chooses a resource to target. Food: Rub stomach Water: Cup hands Shelter: Make a tent over your head with your hands 2. Each line of students turns to face each other at the same time. 3. Animals must pair with one of the resources they chose. Animals unable to make a pairing die and become a resource Animals that claim a resource take their partner and they both become deer.

6 LIFE IS NEVER STABLE! Drought! (no water) Fire! (no shelter)
Predators! (tagging, fewer deer) If a predator tags someone, they also become a predator

7 Population Changes from Food, Water, Shelter, Space
Reflection questions: What are the results of: a) shortening resources b) competition? How was being a deer different from being a resource? What were the effects of the droughts, fires, and predators on the deer and resources? How can animals get these same resources in different ways? What are boom and bust population cycles? What is a carrying capacity?

8 Good Luck! Silent, independent, best effort until class is over! You MAY NOT skip ANY questions! Stay seated! 40 MINUTES LEFT

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