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Ap/Portfolio/2d Comp I, II, III

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1 Ap/Portfolio/2d Comp I, II, III
warm up week Ap/Portfolio/2d Comp I, II, III

2 Drawing on the right side of the brain
Translated into more than seventeen languages, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain is the world's most widely used drawing instruction book It was created to give you greater confidence in your ability and deepen your artistic perception, as well as foster a new appreciation of the world around you. We will be using this book for the first week of school as a type of warm-up to get you ready to create the high quality work this AP course requires you to create.

3 DAY 1 – Types of lines Today we will be studying objects and drawing them using different types of lines. Artists are known for their unique line qualities and experts in drawing often base their authentication of drawings on these known line qualities. Styles of line have actually been put into named categories: Bold –Appear difficult to break. They suggest strength and give emphasis to nearby elements. Bold lines make a statement. Broken (Implied)- A Broken line is created when the artist lifts the pen or pencil from the paper, continuing its direction of travel, and then applies pressure again and continues in the same direction. for example, across the bridge of the nose or along the jaw in portrait drawing. A drawn line would suggest much to sharp an angle (as found along the edge of a box), but we want to suggest to the viewer that there is a change of plane there, so we use implied line. Pure – A thin and precise line. This line has a delicate quality. Lost and Found – starts out dark, fades away, then becomes dark again. We fade away, or edit out, that which isn’t vital to our drawing. We will be working with contour lines today, Contour Line. Contour lines not only show the edges of the shapes being drawn, but they also go onto the surface of the object to help describe the 3-dimensional qualities of  the form.

STUDIO TIME Choose an item to create four different drawings using these types of lines. Be sure to use the SAME view point for EACH drawing. The item can be any still life prop found in the room, your hand, your shoe, anything really but NOT YOUR CELL PHONE. It’s not visually complex enough.

5 WARM UP one homework Find a SIMPLE object in your house and draw it using the four lines we used today. Remember it must from the same view point. Do this on one sheet of paper so that all four are on the same side of the paper.

6 DAY Two – Portrait Excercises
Exercise 1- To the best of your ability and without using a mirror or photo, draw a self portrait. You may draw just the head, a half-figure, or a full- length figure.

7 Portrait exercise 2 You will be given mirrors to use. Place your mirror at arm’s length. You may find that it is more comfortable for you to tape your paper to a book and hold the book upright in your lap while you are working.

8 Evaluation Homework Tonight I want you to reflect on this activity. In your sketchbook please write a short paragraph response to this activity. Place this at the center of your table to be collected at the beginning of class tomorrow. Address the following in your response: Do you see symbols repeated in both drawings? (E.g. : Are the eyes similar in shape or even identical?) Which was more difficult? Which is more successful? Why do you think I made you do these?

9 Day three- Upside down drawing
Don’t worry! We AREN’T drawing IGOR. I promise. Look through the books on your table and find a simple image that you feel you can confidently draw in one class period. Flip the image and draw it upside down in your sketchbook.

10 Homework evaluation Take a moment tonight to evaluate how the upside down drawing went. Was it easier than the last time you tried this? What are some habits or behaviors you saw in yourself while you were working? Your response should be about a paragraph.

11 Your RIGHT brain is better at seeing and simplifying things, for example:

12 In school you often use your LEFT brain to complete logic-based tasks...
Drawing from observation requires that you use your RIGHT brain...

13 Day four: Blind contour Hands

14 Contour drawing is essentially outline drawing,
Blind contour drawing means drawing the outline of the subject without looking at the paper. The end result doesn't matter - what is important is carefully observing the subject . I prefer to slightly stretch the meaning of 'contour' to include lines generally, so that from time to time the line will wander across the form and back out again, capturing little details along the way. In this exercise, avoid lifting the pencil from the paper so that the line is as continuous as possible, and most importantly, DON'T PEEK! If need be, work with your sketchbook under the table. If drawing on loose paper, you may need to tape it in place.

15 Next steps: When you've gone all around the hand, stop and look at the end results. Funny? But look how some areas of your drawing are amazingly accurate. Sure, the large areas might be out of proportion to each other, but you will notice that some parts are far better drawn than when you were looking at the paper! HOMEWORK- Try this exercise with other objects - leafy plants or furniture. People and animals can be pretty funny too, and it is great observational practice. We will look at these at the beginning of class tomorrow.

16 Day five: Modified blind contour drawing
This is a lot like blind contour but you are allowed to look at your paper when you are NOT drawing. You will begin just like blind contour and then when you feel like you need to look at your paper you will stop drawing and THEN look at your paper. This way you can reposition your drawing hand should you need to.

17 Modified blind contour Homework
Find a complex landscape, interior space, or still life set up at home and spend 30 minutes doing a modified blind contour drawing of your choice. We will review these at the beginning of class.

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