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Welcome To The Centre for Applied Genomics

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To The Centre for Applied Genomics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome To The Centre for Applied Genomics

2 Quotable Quotes "The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers; he's one who asks the right questions. ~ Claude Lévi-Strauss

3 This week at TCAG Lab meeting
"Explosive factors and exciting mechanisms controlling allele preference in imprinting and gene expression" Given by Layla Parker-Katiraee Wednesday, Nov 14, 1:30 PM 14th Floor Conference Room


5 Oligo synthesis 17,946 oligos synthesized since January 1, 2006
up to 120 bases conventional & modified free delivery to downtown Toronto New lower prices! 40 nmole 200 nmole 1000 nmole Cost per base $ $ $1.89 Cartridge purification $ $ $30.00 17,946 oligos synthesized since January 1, 2006

6 DNA Sequencing 146,750 reads since January 1, 2006
plasmids, PCR products BAC ends, other genomic clones mutation screening Solexa next-generation sequencing 146,750 reads since January 1, 2006

7 Now available! Ultra-high throughput sequencing
with the Illumina Genome Analyzer

8 Biobanking 7,182 cell lines handled since January 1, 2006
DNA preparation cell line transformation DNA, white cell, and cell line banking other cells on request 7,182 cell lines handled since January 1, 2006

9 Genome resources 5,218 clones prepared since January 1, 2006
cDNA libraries genomic clone libraries whole-genome DNA amplification project support – database queries, annotation, probe selection 5,218 clones prepared since January 1, 2006

10 Genetic analysis > 2.5 billion genotypes since January 1, 2006
TaqMan, SNaPshot, microsatellites Illumina GoldenGate and Infinium Illumina gene expression analysis Real time PCR (qPCR) Mouse genotyping and linkage analysis > 2.5 billion genotypes since January 1, 2006

11 Microarray Affymetrix Human SNP Array 6.0 now available!
Affymetrix expression and exon arrays SNP GeneChips and MegAllele Agilent oligo arrays Affymetrix Human SNP Array 6.0 now available! More information and pricing is available on our website. 4,800 arrays processed since January 1, 2006

12 Statistical analysis 12,264 hours of project support
study design consultation power analysis analysis of genetic, microarray, genomic copy number, clinical, and proteomic data 12,264 hours of project support since January 1, 2006

13 Cytogenomics 707 FISH, 1,769 probes labeled since January 1, 2006
karyotyping FISH and sequential G-to-FISH mapping fluorescent probe labeling spectral karyotping (SKY) breakpoint mapping array-CGH 707 FISH, 1,769 probes labeled since January 1, 2006

14 Enabling High Impact Research

15 970 facility users worldwide (28 countries)
Argentina Australia Belgium Brazil Canada China Costa Rica Czech Republic England Finland France Germany Hong Kong India Israel Italy Japan The Netherlands Peru Scotland Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Turkey USA

16 22 Genome Canada projects supported

17 The Friendly Faces of TCAG!

18 SickKids Foundation CIHR Canadian Genetic Diseases Network Genome Canada / OGI McLaughlin Centre for Molecular Medicine CFI / Ontario

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