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Bovine Movements within EU/EFTA

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Presentation on theme: "Bovine Movements within EU/EFTA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bovine Movements within EU/EFTA

2 Bovine movements: Origin

3 Bovine movements: Destination

4 Import to ES - Year 2014

5 Export from ES – Year 2014

6 Import to FR - Year 2014

7 Export from FR - Year 2014

8 Import to IT - Year 2014

9 Export from IT- Year 2014

10 Import to BE - Year 2014

11 Export from BE- Year 2014

12 Import to CZ - Year 2014

13 Export from CZ- Year 2014

14 Import to GR - Year 2014

15 Export from GR - Year 2014

16 Import to IE - Year 2014

17 Export from IE- Year 2014

18 Import to LV - Year 2014

19 Export from LV - Year 2014

20 Import to NL - Year 2014

21 Export from NL - Year 2014

22 Import to PL - Year 2014

23 Export from PL - Year2014

24 Import to PT - Year 2014

25 Export from PT - Year 2014

26 Import to RO - Year 2014

27 Export from RO - Year 2014

28 Import to SK - Year 2014

29 Export from SK- Year 2014

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