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Baudoin T, Robb P, Akre H, Albegger K, Motta G, Panosetti E, Somers T

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Presentation on theme: "Baudoin T, Robb P, Akre H, Albegger K, Motta G, Panosetti E, Somers T"— Presentation transcript:

1 Baudoin T, Robb P, Akre H, Albegger K, Motta G, Panosetti E, Somers T
  Pediatric ORL Baudoin T, Robb P, Akre H, Albegger K, Motta G, Panosetti E, Somers T

2 Pediatric ORL PORL subspecialty is ORL-HNS in its entirety, applied in children. WHO definition of paediatric ≤18 years of age.

3 Super specialties Pediatric Otology Pediatric Rhinology and Facial Plastics Pediatric Laryngology and Phoniatrics Pediatric H&N Surgery

4 Trainees Target group of trainees highly motivated
Sub-specialist post-CCT only

5 A S I Level of competency
Any trainee must attain general competency level in the entire PORL subspecialty area, and advanced competency levels in his/her chosen super-specialty. A S I In each superspecialty area, the surgeon must be “emergency-safe”. Subspecialist Super specialist

6 Logbook The super-specialty fellowship should be no longer than
two years The competency and skills are the responsibility of the local supervisor

7 Courses Trainee should attend no less than two relevant courses
Courses must be UEMS accredited or accreditation sought Ideally, the course should have a competency sign- off

8 ESPO cooperation ESPO Education Committee to review of loog book
Invite ESPO to advise/propose Log book Invite ESPO to recommend courses

9 Questions? Duration – two years or goal achivement model?
Should we define the number of operations in each area? Is it possible to accept transfer of some competency from general ORL training? Previous experience in general ORL – HNS? (2 ys, 5 ys ?) Courses? Exam?

10 Literature Pediatric Otolaryngology -  Principles and Practice Pathways,  Ralph F. Wetmore -  Harlan R. Muntz - Trevor J. McGill Surgical Pediatric Otolaryngology, William Potsic, Robin T. Cotton, Steven D. Handler  UK PED ORL guidance   Pediatric Otolaryngology for the Clinician, Mitchell RB et al    Otolaryngology, H&N Surgery, Anniko M et al. Cummings - Flint PW et al. Cummings Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 3-Volume Set, 5th Edition, 2010.


12 Members: Gaetano Motta Harriet Akre Peter Robb Klaus Albegger Thomas Somers Eugene Panosetti Tomislav Baudoin

13 Social ped ORL network – 33 mails

14 Moto! Viribus unitis!

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