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Creating a sporting habit for life Inclusive Sport Fund Lindsay Games / Carol Fraser September 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a sporting habit for life Inclusive Sport Fund Lindsay Games / Carol Fraser September 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a sporting habit for life Inclusive Sport Fund Lindsay Games / Carol Fraser September 2013

2 Creating a sporting habit for life Agenda for the day 1. Refreshments, welcome and introductions 2. Sport England and disability equality in sport 3. The objectives of the Inclusive Sport programme 4. The English Federation of Disability Sport 5. Assessment criteria – part one Refreshments 6. Assessment criteria – part two 7. Round One experiences 8. Conclusion and discussion 2

3 Creating a sporting habit for life About Sport England We are investing over £1 billion of National Lottery and Exchequer funding between 2012 and 2017 in organisations and projects that will: Help more people have a sporting habit for life Create more opportunities for young people to play sport Nurture and develop talent Provide the right facilities in the right places Support local authorities and unlock local funding Ensure real opportunities for communities 3

4 Only one in six disabled adults play sport once a week Creating a sporting habit for life 4 Once a week participation in sport Limiting disability / illness April 2013 1.7m No limiting disability / illness April 2013 13.6m

5 There are considerable variations in participation levels Creating a sporting habit for life 5

6 £10 million invested in Round 1 44 projects Good coverage, both geographical and impairments 6 Round 2 Continue to build on the 2012 legacy £7 million of National Lottery funding

7 Creating a sporting habit for life The Inclusive Sport Fund Led by the needs of disabled people Bring together experts from both sport and disability sectors Participation by all disabled people Inclusive and dedicated opportunities Opportunities that are not just accessible but are friendly, welcoming, and effectively staffed Innovative, scalable and replicable projects Taking sport to places disabled people already inhabit. 7

8 What we fund Bona fide and legitimate organisations with a written constitution Demonstrate good financial health and governance Revenue grants of £10,001+ Target disabled people aged 14+ with a recognised sporting activity / physical activities that lead to recognised sport Activities that have not yet begun Sustainable projects What we wont fund Capital awards/facility development Equipment-only Projects focused solely on physical activity, such as walking or gardening General running costs e.g. on- going staff costs, council tax, gas, electricity or water bills, facility costs for office base One off events Items that only benefit an individual Foreign trips Creating a sporting habit for life 8

9 English Federation of Disability Sport Improving sport and physical activity opportunities for disabled people

10 Our vision … Disabled people are active for life Our purpose … To be the strategic lead for sport and physical activity for disabled people in England

11 Overview EFDSs principal aim is to increase participation in sport and physical activity for disabled people Registered charity, representing variety of sport and other bodies to influence and advocate National body and Sport Englands national partner for disabled people in sport and physical activity throughout England Champion opportunities for disabled people to enjoy sport and make it a memorable experience Support sport and fitness sectors to be more inclusive Working with partners, including Sport England, national equality partners, National Disability Sport Organisations, National Governing Bodies of sport and Disabled Peoples Organisations

12 Developing and rolling-out national programmes to improve access to sport and physical activity, and player pathways Inclusive Fitness Initiative Disability Sport Events Playground to Podium Sainsburys Active Kids for All Inclusive Sport programme with NDSOs Supports the delivery of high quality training opportunities to increase the number of disabled people involved in sport and physical activity

13 Is there is a demand for what you want to provide?

14 Is your offer what disabled people want to do?

15 Useful research to help get answers: Sport England Active People survey –Provides statistics on the number of disabled people playing sport EFDS Barriers to participation –Provides insight into what prevents disabled people from taking part Disabled Peoples Lifestyle Survey –Provides insight into what disabled people enjoy doing and how they want to take part in sport and physical activity Sport and Recreation Alliance Club Survey –Insight into current club provision for disabled people and what improvements are needed –Not yet launched– available soon

16 Make sure that disabled people are aware of your opportunity

17 1.Influence and support positive change 2.Engagement with NGBs and NDSO's 3.Understanding the Community 4.Connecting the Sectors 5.Strengthen Effectiveness Engaging with the right partners……

18 Creating a sporting habit for life Assessing your application 18 1 Consultation and insightDelivery and impact 2 3 Partnership and feedback 4 Sustainability

19 Creating a sporting habit for life We need to know: How you have consulted with disabled people. Your project should be responding to their views, motivations and expectations. What the barriers to participation in sport are there for the disabled people who will benefit from your proposed activity. How you have used feedback and learning from projects that have been delivered successfully in the past. 19 1 Consultation and insight

20 Creating a sporting habit for life 20 1 Consultation and insight Clear who would benefit from the project Understood what sporting activities would appeal Addressed how barriers would be overcome Explained information sources Funding would be used for initial consultation No local evidence Did not understand barriers or how to address these No mention of good practice

21 Creating a sporting habit for life We need to know: How your proposals will address the needs of the disabled people they are designed to benefit and the barriers they face to participating in sport. How your proposals will enhance existing local provision, potentially reaching new audiences. How many people you expect to take part in the project and the types of environments in which it will take place. 21 Delivery and impact 2

22 Creating a sporting habit for life 22 Delivery and impact 2 Clear vision of how the project would be delivered Provided detailed delivery plans (e.g. number of sessions, resources required) Linked delivery plans to needs outlined in section 1 Unrealistic estimates of impact Did not demonstrate additionality – no evidence the project would enhance existing provision or reach a new audience

23 Creating a sporting habit for life We need to know: What consultation you have carried out with sports and non-sports organisations. Who will be involved in supporting the delivery of this project, either through strategic support or financial backing - cash or in-kind. How you will share learning from your project to enable successful approaches to be replicated. 23 3 Partnership and feedback

24 Creating a sporting habit for life 24 3 Partnership and feedback Identified good range of partners Clear roles for each partner Demonstrated how monitoring and evaluation would take place regularly Clear outcomes and feedback mechanisms Unclear who partners were or their roles Did not address how learning from the project would be shared Had not adequately consulted or considered the potential across both sport and non-sport partners

25 Creating a sporting habit for life We will fund projects for up to 3 years, but we need to know: How Inclusive Sport funding will create a sustainable local community sports project after the funding is finished. How your project will lead to sustained participation in regular sporting activity. 25 4 Sustainability

26 Creating a sporting habit for life 26 4 Sustainability Explained how the project would be sustainable Addressed the future role of partners Reasonable income and expenditure forecasts Was unclear how the project would continue after the end of Inclusive Sport funding No evidence of future income generation

27 Creating a sporting habit for life Round 1 experiences [Here was shown a presentation from a successful Inclusive Sport Round 1 applicant from the local area covering: -Experience of application process -Consultation undertaken -Project offered -Partnerships created as a result -Thoughts around sustainability] 27

28 Creating a sporting habit for life Online application process opens Workshops held and prospectus available Application deadline Notification of decisions How to apply October 7th September 5pm December 2 nd February 2014 28

29 Creating a sporting habit for life Who makes the decisions? Sport England assess the applications Our Project Committee, under delegated authority from the Sport England Main Board, will make funding decisions on all applications received to the Inclusive Sport Fund. 29 Application deadline Notification of decisions 5pm December 2 nd February 2014

30 Creating a sporting habit for life Further support Telephone: 08458 508 508 –8am-9pm Monday –8am-6pm Tuesday to Thursday –8am-5pm on Fridays Email: Prospects and FAQ documents online at 30

31 Questions? 31

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