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“Then the dragon [Satan] was very

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1 “Then the dragon [Satan] was very
angry at the woman [God’s church]. It went away to make war against all her other children. Her children are those [people] who obey God’s commands and have the truth that Jesus taught” (Revelation 12:17, ERV)

2 “‘And what about the seed that fell among the thorny weeds
“‘And what about the seed that fell among the thorny weeds? That [seed] is like [the same as] the people who hear the teaching but let worries about this life and love for money stop it from growing. So it does not produce a crop in their lives’.” (Matthew 13:22, ERV)

3 “‘Here is what I will do for anyone who has victory over sin
“‘Here is what I will do for anyone who has victory over sin. I will give that person the right to sit with me on my throne. In the same way, I had victory. Then I sat down with my Father on his throne’” (Revelation 3:21, NIrV)

4 “Here is what love is. It is not that
we loved God. It is that he loved us and sent his Son to give his life to pay for our sins” (1 John 4:10, NIrV)

5 “God lifted Jesus high above everything
else. He gave Him a name that is greater [above; more important] than any other name. So when the name of Jesus is spoken, everyone in heaven and on earth and under the earth will bow down before Him” (Philippians 2:9, 10, NLV)

6 “This king will say things against the Most High God
“This king will say things against the Most High God. And he will hurt and kill God’s people. He will try to change times and laws that have already been set. The people that belong to God will be in that king’s power for three and one-half years” (Daniel 7:25, ICB)

7 “False Messiahs [Saviors] and false prophets [special messengers] will come and do great [very powerful] miracles and wonders [strange and surprising things], trying to fool [trick] the people God has chosen, if that is possible” (Matthew 24:24, ERV)

8 “Then I saw another angel flying in the heavens
“Then I saw another angel flying in the heavens. He was carrying the Good News that lasts [continues] forever. He was preaching to every nation and to every family group and to the people of every language and to all the people of the earth” (Apocalipsis 14:6)

9 “The dragon was thrown down to earth from heaven
“The dragon was thrown down to earth from heaven. This animal is the old snake. He is also called [named] the Devil or Satan. He is the one who has fooled [tricked] the whole world [all the people on the earth]. He was thrown down to earth and his angels were thrown down with him” (Revelation 12:9, NLV)

10 “‘There will be a time of much trouble
“‘There will be a time of much trouble. It will be the worst time since nations have been on earth. But your people will be saved. Everyone whose name is written in God’s book will be saved’” (Daniel 12:1, ICB)

11 “‘The things You do are great and powerful
“‘The things You do are great and powerful. You are the All-powerful Lord God. You are always right and true in everything You do. You are King of all nations’” (Revelation 15:3, NLV)

12 “The name written on her forehead was a mystery. Here is what it said
“The name written on her forehead was a mystery. Here is what it said. the great city of babylon, the mother of prostitutes [people who sell sex for money], the mother of everything on earth that god hates” (Revelation 17:5, NIrV)

13 “‘When the Son of Man comes, everyone will see him
“‘When the Son of Man comes, everyone will see him. It will be like [the same as] lightning flashing in the sky that can be seen everywhere’” (Matthew 24:27, ERV)

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