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Peter Gun Bass and Melody.

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Presentation on theme: "Peter Gun Bass and Melody."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peter Gun Bass and Melody

2 Bass Part

3 5th position for melody Break no bass pt.

4 Bass back in


6 Soloing on Peter Gun Any E minor type scale will work. Some examples:
E Blues Scale E Minor Pentatonic E Dorian Mode E Aolean Mode (6th degree of major scale) E harmonic minor E melodic minor E Hungarian minor

7 Notes that will work E Blues E G A A# B D E Dorian E F# G A B C D
E Harmonic Minor E F# G A B C D# E Melodic Minor E F# G A B C# D# E Hungarian Minor E F# G A# B C D# Just look at this so far the only notes you can’t use (and you can) are F, G# (most difficult) Make up your own scale!!s

8 Take it slowly Learn bass part first Do a palm mute on the bass part
If playing electric guitar, boost treble, lots of reverb on the bass part Listen to the tune to get the idea Have fun with this!!!!!!!

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