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Unit 23 SpellCab Words.

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1 Unit 23 SpellCab Words

2 1. rationalized (Verb)- attempt to explain or justify (one's own or another's behavior or attitude) with logical, plausible reasons, even if these are not true or appropriate. Example-Mary rationalized why she refused to go to the gym, but she didn’t really have a valid reason.

3 2. putrid (Adj.)- decaying or rotting and emitting a bad smell.
Example- The smell of the roadkill was putrid.

4 3. relegated (Verb)- the act of assigning (someone or something) to a particular class or category. Example- Alan relegated the duties to everyone else for his group project as he did not want to do any of it.

5 4. cropped up (Verb)- to come or appear when not expected
Example- During winter time, numerous cases of the flu cropped up.

6 5. clamorous (Adj.)- noisily insistent
Example- The clamorous noise kept us up all night.

7 6. obstreperous (Adj.)- noisy and difficult to control.
Example- The obstreperous P.E. class made it very difficult for me to focus.

8 7. jabbering (Verb)- to talk rapidly, indistinctly, or unintelligibly
Example- I get nervous when my sister begins jabbering about all the nonsense that happens in her world.

9 8. incessant (Adj.)- continuing without pause
Example: The dog’s incessant barking woke up all of the neighbors.

10 9. inane (Adj.)- lacking significance, meaning, or point
Example- When my sisters and I get together, we tend to do inane things like dressing up as cartoon characters.

11 10. audible (Adj.)- heard or capable of being heard
Example- The music was barely audible over the students’ voices.

12 11. querulous (Adj.)-full of complaints
It really bothers my teacher when her students are querulous about completing their work.

13 12. quarrels (Noun)- a usually verbal conflict between antagonists
Example- The two students were best friends even though they were constantly having quarrels between each other.

14 13. vociferously (Adv.)- in a loud and forceful manner.
Example- My obnoxious brother vociferously expresses his opinion on everything.

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